Chapter 12 - Packing

Start from the beginning

"Got it!" She heard him reply before she was yanked into her old dorm. Rowan looked around and found clothes strewn about the room, a mix of Millicent's and Juniper's respective wardrobes. "You sure keep it tidy without me," Rowan said sarcastically as she flopped down onto her old bed. It hadn't been used in a while, so the mattress had stiffened. 

"You usually cleaned up around here, Ro. It's hard without you," Juniper said as she began to pull her trunk out from underneath her bed. Rowan frowned a little bit at her best friend's words. She missed having them there to talk to every night, but Rowan didn't miss the mess. A part of her even felt bad for thinking that. "Here, I'll help you clean up a little bit," Rowan said as she got down onto the floor and began to rummage through the clothes. 

Rowan had made quite the dent in the large clothes piled when she pulled out something she was sure didn't belong to her friends. "Um, Juniper?" Rowan called and Juniper quickly turned to face her. "Who does this belong to?" She said holding up a long Ravenclaw tie. 

"Probably Luna Lovegood's, if I had to take a guess," Juniper said as she rolled her eyes. "Okay, that's fine and all but why is it here?" Rowan chuckled and set it down on her now abandoned bed. "All I know is that one night last week, I walked in on them. I have never wished to obliviate myself more in my life," Juniper said as she shuddered at the memory that had resurfaced in her mind. "Why didn't you tell me?" Rowan exclaimed, hopping over the smaller pile of clothes to get to Juniper.

"Have you met Loony Luna?" Juniper asked in disbelief that Rowan didn't understand. "She's not loony, Juniper. Doesn't she hang around Harry Potter and his friends?" Rowan inquired, trying to place a face to a name. "She does, sometimes. She hangs around Longbottom and Ginny Weasley more," Juniper said as she placed the last of her winter outfits into her trunk.

"Do you think Millicent will invite her to Zabini's? I mean, I'm taking Severus," Rowan said as her cheeks burned red. "Maybe she will, maybe she won't. On the topic of Professor Snape, though," Juniper said as she laid down on her stomach and propped her head up with her hands. "Tell me about you two,"

"We're complicated," Rowan said vaguely, leaving Juniper visibly disappointed by her vagueness. "I mean, he did ask me on a date but I ruined that. We ended up sleeping in the same bed because I was afraid for him to get surprise hypothermia," Rowan finished with a smile as she remembered that morning. "We both know surprise hypothermia is not a thing. Plus, he could have just brewed up a pepperup potion and been fine with it," Juniper said as she rolled her eyes, much like Rowan does all the time. 

"I forgot about the pepperup potion! That would have cured whatever cold he could have caught and warmed him up," Rowan exclaimed rather loudly. Juniper giggled at her friend's outburst. "You love him, don't you?" Juniper asked, causing a frown to grow onto Rowan's face. "Love? Juni, we have barely even kissed. I would say love is taking it a bit far,"

"Is it? Did you tell him about how your father filed for divorce and left?" Juniper asked and Rowan internally cringed at the lie she had told all of her friends. "In a way, yes. He shared some of his secrets too and we kissed," Rowan said hurriedly, scared she would slip up and say something she wasn't supposed to share. "You kissed or you kissed?" Juniper teased and Rowan threw a pillow at her. "You have been hanging around Zabini way too much. What happened to the little girl that cried because she was sorted into Slytherin?" Rowan asked sarcastically. 

"I finally came to terms with the fact that I'm a snake. Oh, and I met you," Juniper said as she moved over and hugged her best friend. Rowan smiled and hugged her friend back. "I'm sure Zabini and Millicent helped," Rowan said but Juniper didn't reply. 

They broke apart and went back to join their friends in the common room, who were currently arguing over who would stay in what rooms. "I'm just saying that Professor Snape won't want to share a room with you," Millicent said dramatically. "If we split it up by gender, it would be easier for me to get blankets ready!" Blaise countered, seeming very stuck in his argument. 

"I will share a room with Severus. Millicent and Juni can share the guest room, and you can stay in your own room," Rowan said confidently as she took a seat beside Millicent. "He didn't think you would be okay with sharing a room with Snape," Millicent said in a frustrated tone. To Millicent, it would seem obvious that Rowan wouldn't mind. She hadn't told Blaise about the night after the Hogsmeade trip or about how Millicent had found them laying on one another earlier in the morning. 

"I'm sure you're okay with that," Blaise said snarkily to Rowan, causing all of the girls to turn and look at him. Rowan decided it would be best to bite her tongue. She would ask Blaise about his behavior later because in front of the whole friend group was not the time. "I'll tell you what, Blaise. I'll let you ask Severus after class tomorrow, and this will be settled," Rowan said and while Blaise nodded in agreement, he didn't look too happy about it.

"Only after you finish the mid-term test. You will have all week to complete it in class," Rowan added, causing Blaise to cry out in annoyance. "Rowan you know I am horrible at potions! It's why Millicent does all my work,"

"Well, unfortunately for you this test will be individual," Rowan said with a sly smile and went to return to Millicent and Juniper's dorm. "Where are you going?" Blaise asked, slight venom lacing his voice. "Millicent has to pack and their room is a complete mess," Rowan said briefly before the three girls disappeared behind the wooden dorm door.

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