chapter 56 ~ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍

Comenzar desde el principio

     "We should hurry," the maknae murmured, peering down at the girl beside him.

      Rachel was already marching up the dirt road back towards Sejin and the others, the hanbok held high off the ground as she tried not to stumble over it. Glancing over her shoulder, she flashed her teeth in what could only be a cocky smile, leaving Jungkook behind on the road. "Hurry up, Jeon!" she called, turning the corner and leaving him all alone. Jungkook shook his head, clutching his camera against his chest as he trotted after the brunette, feeling giddy at his humorous encounter with his new co-worker.


     Yoongi took a final swig from his water bottle before chucking it into a waste bin posted near the door of Namjoon's studio. He made his way silently down the hall, swiping aimlessly through his phone as he waited to meet with Jungkook and Sejin to view the footage they captured earlier that day. He was utterly exhausted, his shoulder aching from having to redo aggressive shots one take after another. The brunet couldn't wait to finish up for the day, the time rolling in at around 8PM, so that he could go home and curl up in bed.

     Familiar voices sounded from down the hall and Yoongi increased his pace until Jungkook and Sejin came into view, their backs to him. Before he could step out into the light of the main hall, he spotted Rachel and another staff member beside them, the tattooed brunette standing with her gaze locked on the maknae. Yoongi felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up with unease, pausing to tune in on the conversation without being spotted.

    "-virus tests on all the staff before the shoot," Sejin was saying, his manager adjusting the black mask over his nose. "There's going to be roughly forty dancers, including the ten to twelve staff that we normally have on set."

     "I've been tested already," Rachel murmured. Yoongi felt his stomach twist at the sound of her silky voice. It made him want to vomit. "And, so has Jungkook and the other members. The staff and I are already allowed around them for costume and makeup."

     "That makes it easier," Sejin continued. "But, we can't be too carefree. We don't want anyone coming down with it."

     The staff member beside Rachel, a smaller, somewhat older blonde, cleared her throat and nudged Rachel gently in the shoulder. "We need to set up for tomorrow and make sure we have enough of the costumes for the big scene." Rachel nodded, offering Jungkook and Sejin a nod. As Sejin bowed to Jungkook and walked away with the blonde, Rachel put her hand on Jungkook's shoulder, pulling a thin box out of her back pocket and handing it to him.

      Yoongi couldn't help but snarl defensively as the brunette's hand lingered on his boyfriend's shoulder. He was always protective over the others, had been since they were young, but something about Rachel made him more unsettled than the worst of sasaengs. Watching them silently, Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise as he opened the box, stumbling forward almost without hesitation to enfold Rachel in his embrace.

     Yoongi was just about to shove forward and break them apart when a hand rested gently on his shoulder, startling him as he spun around on his heel. One of the editors for his MV was standing behind him, a squat, older man in his forties with bulky framed glasses and a button up shirt that was one size too small. He asked the brunet if he wanted to head over to one of the studios used for editing and he nodded, offering a glance over his shoulder to watch Jungkook and Rachel step apart before she sped off towards one of the closing elevators. The maknae watched her go with a shy smile on his face before turning and spotting the others, bounding in their direction as he shoved the box in the back pocket of his jeans.

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