Autor's Notes

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Ok so hey! It's me Lylah and this is the first authors note for my new book: FLAWED SOLES.

I hope that you like my book so far. I wanted to do something different by making the guy love the girl so I hope this doesn't turn out to be really weird at all! LOL!

Ok so I really do love it when you guys comment and vote for my story. I don't ever report your comments or delete them, but if you swear then the Wattpad system will automatically report them...... I learned that the hard way!

So what I did is I hold down on the key and I do one of the little marks like this: füčk or bïtčh. Then, they don't get reported! Lol!

If you have any suggestions, comments, or just want to talk, you can always message me on Wattpad. I don't know you so I'm not gonna give you my number. :)

I have another book that I just recently finished writing called: THE HONEST LIAR. So if you haven't checked that out yet, it'd mean the world to me if you would!

I also want to let you know, that whenever I get a notification that says someone commented on my book, or voted, I do little cartwheels in my head because I'm so happy when you guys do that! I know I already talked about this earlier in this little message, but I love to read what you guys write.

I'd also really appreciate it if you'd spread the word of my book(s). But I totally understand if you don't have the time to do that.

Ok well, thanks for reading this very long note! I hope you enjoy the rest of my (soon to come) book!

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