Chapter 13 bedroom, phone, and immature behavior

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Jordan's POV:

"I don't know Tony." Meghan said as he held her in his arms. "I don't think your parents really like me. Whenever I see your dad I feel like he's checking me out and your mom is staring daggers into my heart." Meghan informed Tony.

"Well it's my grandparents and my parents and my dad doesn't misbehave in front of his mom.

"Ok then." Meghan sighed as Tony gave her a big wet sloppy kiss on the lips. Before we knew it, the scene was turned into PG13 when Meghan started to unbutton Tony's shirt.

"Get a room!" Max complained.

"Ok, we'll take yours!" Tony picked Meghan wedding style and she giggled as they walked away.

"Gross." I chuckled with disgust.

"Yeah, they need to grow up. I think that Ton-." Max's sentence was cut off by my ring tone going off, and Edwards contact photo popping up on my screen.

"Hold that thought!" I told Max as I picked up my phone. "Hey." I gleefully chirped.

"Hey babe." I'm Edwards babe! I would never get sick of hearing that! "Wanna grab something to eat before my match?"

"I'd love to!" I happily replied. "Where were you thinking?" It couldn't be anywhere fancy because I wasn't dressed in the right attire.

"Let's just get something fast." He replied.

"Ok!" I smiled, even though Edward wasn't able to see it over the phone.

"I'll see you in ten at McDonalds." We then said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Edward?" Max not-so-pleasantly asked me.

"Yup." I said as I popped the 'p' sound. "I have to go." I got up out of my chair and grabbed my purse.

"Fine. Just leave me with the horny couple upstairs." Max joked. But there was something different about him voice. He sounded disappointed that I was leaving him. He usually understood but today, it seemed like I was being a jerk to him.

But Edward was my boyfriend now and I held a responsibility to him. "Maybe we can hang out some other time?" I asked Max hopping that thought would cheer him up a bit.

"How about Saturday?" Max compromised.

"I can't." I told him. "I'm meeting Edwards parents."

"Already?" He shockingly said. "Ok." He grunted. "Just forget it then." He half whispered.

"Max," I compassionately said and a look of sorrow came across my face.

"Just go." Max huffed. "You don't want to keep your date waiting."

"Max," I walked over to him and softly placed my hand on top of his shoulder.

"Just go!" He snapped back at me. His reaction had caused my heart to jump and it sent me into a state of shock. When he saw the expression on my face Max said, "Jordan, I'm sorry."

"Goodbye!" I didn't understand why it was so important for me to spend time with Max. I was going to be late for my date and it was all because of Max's immature manners. Gosh what had gotten into him lately?

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