Chapter 18 detention, ringing bells, and walking away

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Jordan's POV:

"Go down to the detention room right now!" Mr. Lint ordered Max and I after we had our outburst. We just grabbed our stuff and slugged out of the classroom and made our way silently down the hallway. School would end in a minute or two then Max and I would be forced to spend an hour in after school detention.

So we just waited. I was leaning against one of the hallways walls and Max was leaning up against the detention rooms door while he sat on the dirty floor. I was waiting for Edward to get out of his last hour class which was conveniently a few classrooms down from where Max and I where waiting.

The bell rang.

The halls were flooded with students and I barely caught Edwards face in the crowd. "Edward!" I yelled out to him as I called him over to me. "Over here!" He then walked over to me and gave me a big kiss which I tried to escape from but failed at doing so.

"What's going on?" He asked me.

"It's a long story but I can't go home with you cause I have after school for one hour here." I informed him. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

"Sure thing babe." We then walked a little bit away from Max so he wasn't able to hear what was going on between Edward and I.

"I think we should take a break." I just cut right to the chase.

"What do you mean?" Edward confusingly questioned me.

"I need to figure out how I feel about someone and I don't think I should be with you anymore." I confessed to him.

"What?" Edward said in a panicked tone. "Why not?"

"I feel like you've pulled me away from what matters most to me in my life. My friends."

"There's no such thing as a break. You can either have me and be happy, or not." Edward strictly stated.

"I chose my freedom. I'm really sorry. If there was something special between us then I wouldn't feel like I was being dragged down. I notice now that our relationship is wrong. We're not meant to be together. I'm really sorry." I felt awful.

Edward was the first guy I cared about and I had just thrown that all away. But we had no future. It was a simple, harsh, honest fact. He just looked at me with cold eyes.

"Is this because of him?" Edward asked me as he pointed towards Max who was still sitting against the door. "He's to scared to even tell you how he feels. You deserve a real man! Not a chicken."

"Shut up!" I yelled at him for insulting Max. "He's more of a man then you'll ever be!" I then slapped him across his face and I just gulped because I had just hit the wrestling captain. Wow, was I stupid or what!

He looked at me with eyes that cut my heart like sharp knifes. An then he left. HE LEFT! Edward just turned around and walked away clutching his fists. What had just happened?

I then shook the thought of Edward out of my mind, or at least I tried to. I then rejoined Max and waited at the door until the janitor came and unlocked it for us to enter the room.

I'd be stuck in a room with Max for one hour. I wouldn't mind that normally, but I knew that things would never be the same when we left.

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