Chapter 3 Showers, truth or dare, and winky faces

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Jordan's POV:

As the movie ended, I was dying on the inside and I couldn't watch the last few minutes of it. I grabbed the televisions remote and shut it off before the film ended. "Why'd you do that?" Max questioned me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to suffer anymore!" I cried as I snuggled up closer to Max. I was shaking and my teeth were chattering. But not because I was cold, but because I was scared to death.

"Sorry. I didn't think you'd totally freak out." He unreasonably reasoned with me.

"You didn't think I'd freak out!" I cried at the top of my lungs. I didn't even care if I woke up the rest of the neighborhood but I was freaking losing my mind! "You went with me to see Women In Black and you were there when I cried because I was to scared to leave the movie theater. How could you possibly think that I wouldn't freak out!"

"I forgot sorry." Max chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Max, we have a problem." I said.


"I really, really, really need to pee but I'm way to scared to go anywhere alone." Once I said that Max started laughing so loud at the sentence that had flown out of my mouth.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He then quite seriously asked me.

"Creep!" I yelped as I playfully hit him on his arm.

"I'll stand in the shower and face the other way." He compromised.

"Ok. Let's go." I said as I got up from my seat. I was so nervous that I made Max hold my hand and go first into the bathroom and look around the corner before we fully crossed it. "Stand in the shower, shut the curtain, face the wall, and no peeping!" I informed my new bathroom buddy.

"Ok, ok wow." Max rolled his eyes at me as he climbed into the shower. I then very quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands.

"You can come out now." I informed Max. He then exited the shower and made his way over to me.

"Where do you wanna sleep?" Max asked me.

"I don't want to sleep. I'm wwwaaayyy to scared to do anything right now."

"Let's just go into your room and we can just talk until we fall asleep." Max then noticed I was quite hesitate about what he had just said, so without giving me much of a choice, he picked me up and carried my down the hall and into my room and then carefully placed me down on top of my bed.

"I was going to say no to going in my room, but I guess you've made up my mind for me." I giggled as Max plopped down next to me.

"Truth or dare?" Max asked me.

"Truth." I plainly replied.

"Ugh, you never take any risks by picking dare." He then chuckled at his remark as I playfully slapped him on his arm. "Whatever. Ok so if you could have sex with anyone in the school who would you do?"

"Edward Holt!" I almost immediately cried.

"What! Why?" Max was obviously shocked by my answer and wanted a reasonable explanation.

"He's funny, smart, captain of the wrestling team, tall, great shape, sexy eyes, shall I continue?" I explained to Max. "How about you?"

"I don't know. I haven't given much thought to stuff like that."

"What do you mean? The only thing a guys think about is sex and more sex." I reasoned with him. Max really was from another planet!

"I'm just not all that crazy about girls like all the other pervert guys at our school are." Max told me.

"What, do you prefer guys?"

"No, no." Max chuckled. "I'd much rather wait for the right girl then make the mistake of being with the wrong girl."

"That's sweet." Max could date anyone in our school if he just asked them. Girls swooned around him, but he never seemed to notice.

"It's my turn again." Max said to me.

"No it's not." I confusingly told him.

"Yeah cause you used you're question by asking me who I'd do. So, that makes it my turn now."

"You witty son of a bitch!" I implied.

"Truth or dare."

"You think I don't take risks so I'm going to prove you wrong by picking dare!" I cried.

"My dare can be very inappropriate and dirty so you might want to reconsider your answer." Max chuckled.

"Nope. I'm sticking with my choice." I smugly replied with a fat smile on my face.

"I dare you to send a nude to someone at out school, wait no!" Max exclaimed as he changed his mind. "I dare you to tell Edward how you feel about him on facebook message, right now!"

"No!" I screamed at him. "I'm not going to tell him saying something stupid like: 'hey you don't really know me but I'm hopelessly in love with you.' "

"But you have to. Unless you'd rather send an email to the principle of a nude picture of you." He mischievously laughed.

"I'll just pour my heart out to Edward." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and typed him this message:

Hey, um, I'm Jordan Hub and we haven't really talked but I think you're kinda hot.

My finger was hovering above the send button when Max impatiently pushed it down, forcefully pressing the send button. A second latter, I got a message back... From Edward.

Oh yeah! Jordan I know you. We have a few classes together. Well, thank you for the compliment. You don't look to shabby yourself ;)

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled to Max who was still laying next to me. I can't believe that Edward sent me a winky face! He was so flirting with me!

"What did he say?" I then read Edwards rely out loud and my heart fluttered.

"What should I say now?" I was freaking out on the inside because I had no idea how to reply. I've never really taken this kind of risk before, and now thst I have, I was completely unsure of how to reply.

"Just act natural and normal. But, those are two things you will never be able to achieve, so, just be you." Max smiled back at me.

Thanks. Are you free anytime soon?

I took a BIG RISK by asking him that.

I have a wrestling match on Monday at 5, but I'd love it if you'd come. After that, we could hang out a bit.

"OH MY GOSH!" I scream once more. "He just asked me out!"

"Oh." Max sounded a little shocked that this had played out the way it had, but I was overwhelmed with joy.

It's a date!

I replied ASAP.

Cool. Can't wait ;)

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