Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So, how did you sleep?" Lust chirped as he sat next to his best friend.

"Oh! I slept just fine!" Blackberry didn't admit that the smell of sex from his friend and the captain with their respective lovers kept him up all night. That would just embarrass them all.

"That's great to hear!" Lust smiled happily. He believed his friend, not knowing of the horror he'd experienced the night before.

Black nodded, looking down at his breakfast. "What about you? Do you sleep well here on the ship?"

"Yep! It's so nice to sleep here." Lust looked out to the ocean. "The rocking of the ship, the sound of waves crashing, the salty air around us. It's always nice."

The other nodded. "It's nice."

"Are you sure you slept well? You seem tired. Did something interrupt your sleep or something?" Lust bit his nail a little. "Maybe it's the lack of a bed."

"Oh, yeah, uh, but I don't mind. If I wrap the blanket around me enough, it's warm and comfy!" The guard forced a big smile. It looked tired, but luckily, that hid his disgust and mild slut-shaming. Of course, he'd never say that he thought his best friend was a disgusting whore in front of him.

"I'm sure we can find a mattress or something! The more comfortable you are, the better!" The long haired mermaid hugged his friend. "I don't want you to be so tired!"

Black nodded, smiling as his friend hugged him. For now, he'd ignore the fact this implied he would be staying, which he did not plan to do originally.

"Hey cutie~ How are you doing?~" Dust leaned over Black's shoulder. He smirked at him, waiting for his retaliation.

Black was too scared. After what happened between them, he was terrified of the human man. He was a disgusting monster, after all.

"Hey, leave him alone! I won't let you hurt him again, you jackass!"

"I'm not hurting anyone." The brunette glared at Lust.

"You should know how it is. He's upset because you're the asshole who raped his best friend." Horror sat down with them. "He'll probably never trust you again."

"Come on, it was a one time thing." Dust gently grabbed Black's face. "I just like cute things~"

"L-leave me alone!" Black weakly called out, shaking in his fear. He didn't want him to hurt him again. He just didn't want to hurt!

"Don't touch him!" Lust pulled his friend away from the pirate's grasp.

"Why don't you let little Rose here say what that he doesn't want me touching him then?" Dust turned to the smaller mermaid trying to hide in his friend's protective hold. He knew the scarred male wouldn't be able to speak up about disliking it, or the human would make him go through it again, as a sick joke.

They both knew he would hurt him again, given the chance.

"L-leave me alone..." he tried to say.

"See? Rosie over here doesn't care." Dust grabbed Black's face again, smirking at him. He blatantly ignored what he'd just said. "I'm sure he won't even care if I grope him a little~"

"P-please..." Black tried to pull away.

Dust pulled him closer, trying to give him a kiss. The mermaid shook and desperately tried to pull away, though the pirate was holding on too strongly.

Suddenly, Dust fell to the floor and let go of Black. Before the protective mermaid could do more damage, the monster accepted his losses and ran off.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with Dust." Lust glared at the human as he left.

"It's fine... I don't care anyways. I can kick his ass if he tried anything more."

"That's good." The long haired male smiled. "Kick his ass if you need to, got it?"

"I will," the purple-eyed smaller lied, keeping his fake smile so his friend would believe him.

The Siren's SongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora