Chapter Four

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Horror was digging through some loot from raids. He decided to find some clothes for his mermaid friend to wear, though he'd miss getting to look at his abs, and his pecks, and his legs. It was only right to put him in clothing that covered him better. Especially since he seemed to be ashamed of his merfolkian tattoos, even though he tried reassuring him that they were cool.

Near him, Lust was sitting near him, holding the towel he was given over his shoulders. He waited patiently for new clothes, watching his human friend dig through a box of stolen clothes.

"You, uh, you look very... muscular." The human just wanted to start a conversation.

"Thank you..." the small sea creature mumbled back. He was quite strong thanks to swimming all day, and due to the way he had to swim. Despite the way humans depict mermaids, they were a lot less delicate and frail than they were said to look. Sometimes, the purple boy was embarrassed, feeling he was not good enough for humans' expectations.

"It's cool. You look like you can kick ass." The pirate held his arm out, motioning with his hand a bit. "Now come on. You look cold."

Quickly, the small boy climbed under his arm, snuggling up to him. He nuzzled his chest, being a creature who wants to be warm. Being a shark, he was only mostly warm blooded.

"You're cuddling with the fish?" Dust teased as he stopped by him.

"He's cold blooded! He needs to stay warm!" Horror defended, blushing.

"Do you not want to cuddle me?" chirped the small male. Under his beautiful purple bangs, his eyes shimmered sadly. "We can stop if you dislike it."

"No! I like cuddling with you!"

"But you said you're only doing it because I'm cold blooded and you want me to stay warm... I'm warm blooded..." He started to whimper, his lip quivering a little. He would've lowered his fins if he was still in his mermaid form.

"I-I just said that because—"

"Are you embarrassed to be my friend?"

"What?! No! I'm just embarrassed—"

Lust scooted away. He didn't want to force him to cuddle him, at least, not consciously. He wanted him to want it, or to think he does.

Dust snickered a little, looking at his friend. "You find something for him?" He sat next to the half-blind, being in between the two.

"No, not really..." Horror glanced at the mermaid hiding in his towel. "Lust, what kind of clothes are you interested in?" He hoped he didn't mind dresses, as for the time being, he might have to wear one. He was a rather small person, at least in comparison to the pirates, he would fit in female clothes perfectly. They were tailored for thinner people who aren't as tall, which Lust was. They'd just have to do something about the top. But he was a guy with long hair, so he didn't want any pervs harassing him when they go into a town.

"I like any clothes," replied the creature. "Can I see what's available?"

"Yeah, sure." The half-blind moved out of the way, motioning for him to go and look through it.

The purple haired smaller crawled over, holding his towel over him still. He sat somewhat on Horror's lap, leaning in and looking through the clothes.

The pirate moved forward so he fit in his lap. He didn't mind his friend sitting in his lap, since he did want those cuddles Dust ruined. He started cuddling him as he searched for something nice to wear.

"This one!" The sea boy chirped as he pulled out a nice dress. It was long and white, with blue on top, almost like a dress-vest.

"That's a dress, fish boy," Dust pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"I think it's perfect!" Lust looked back at his friend with his enchanting purple eyes, his pink lips in a gentle smile. "Don't you like it?"

"Yes! I think you'll look beautiful!" Horror blushed a light red at how cute his new friend smiled. He was so beautiful and adorable.

Holding the two-part dress over his arm, the mermaid stood. He kept his towel over his shoulders so his tattoos didn't show. "Okay, lets go!" 

Horror nodded, getting up as well. He willingly followed the purple haired smaller, blushing at how small and soft his hands were. They were so delicate, like a noblewoman's. His own rough hand could hide Lust's so well.

Once they were in the room, Lust started humming. 

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