Clawing For Vengeance;

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Darkness surrounded me, covering me whole

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Darkness surrounded me, covering me whole. I wasn't sure where I was, or what had happened, but I felt something warm envelope me. It stuck to my skin, this hot, thick, sticky, liquid. I was in my own body, that I knew. But I wasn't awake. I tried opening my eyes, tried calling out, but I could do nothing but feel myself float throughout the darkness.

Was this what Bellamy meant when he said about him and the others being shot into the dark-matter of space? A darkness had crept across his facial features when he said it. A darkness that looked much like the one I was floating in. A dark void of nothing. It was just a pit of never-ending black. There was no light, no noise. Just silence. Even the air was still.

"Quinn." A voice echoed throughout the vast space. A voice I knew all-too-well and was somewhat relieved to hear again. "Quinn," It was Bellamy. "Quinn, wake up." I noticed the distress in his voice and slowly felt myself being pulled further into the air. The darkness shook, and all at once, light poured in.

I squinted as my eyelids fluttered open. The world around me was bright and fluorescent. I took in a deep breath, blinking as my eyes landed on Bellamy hovering over me. His gaze was covered in complete guilt and worry as he stared down at me. I blinked a few times again, and began to sit up, before every ache and pinch in my body came rushing back to me. It wasn't only my wounds that cried out in pain, but my legs, too. I had worked them over their limit, and I was now paying for it. I could barely feel my thighs. My calves were heavy and numb, my feet feeling like jelly.

"What the hell happened to you, Quinn?" Bellamy swore under his breath, helping me sit up.

As I glanced down at my blood-stained shirt, my heart clenched in my chest. I was light-headed from the loss of blood, and my entire body ached. My heart seemed to ache, too as I remembered the look of complete loathing on Keegan's face after I swiped him with my blade. I gulped, looking over Bellamy's shoulder to find Jasper and two other boys behind. For the first time since I'd met Jasper, he didn't look scared of me. Instead, concern was evident in his eyes. I couldn't help but--

I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. My eyelids forced to flutter shut once again, and my knees quickly gave way. Bellamy let out a gasp, grabbing a hold of my limp body before I could fall back to the floor. "She's lost a lot of blood, we need to get her back to camp now." Bellamy said as he picked me up bridal style.

I licked my crack lips and swallowed. My throat was dry and in dire need of some water. His hands were warm against my icy skin, and as the shivers took over my body I knew a fever had come to claim my body. Bellamy noticed my sudden shivering and began to pick up his feet, "Let's move. She's already come down with a fever."

My eyes lolled back, but I forced them open. I cuddled further into the warmth of Bellamy, the scent of cinnamon and wood coursing through my nostrils. His smell was much different from Keegan's; it was warm and cozy, it had a Home feel to it. Keegan smelt like the brisk, winter morning air, and Bellamy smelt like winter sunsets by the fire. He had a calming sense to him, whereas Keegan was sharp and intense.

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