Hearts Will Be Torn;

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The sound of chatter slowly came into hearing, waking me from my slumber. My eyelids fluttered open and took in the image before me: kids were out-and-about, either lazing around and laughing with one another or completing their tasks for the day. I blinked, trying to rid the blurriness that covered my vision. I hugged my arms closer to my chest, yawning. The smell of cooked meat traveled it's way through the camp and up my nostrils. Letting out a deep breath and stretching, I rose from my position with stiff and aching bones. 

I had been given a tent to sleep in, only to find out I had to share with another three girls. The looks that covered their faces when I walked in suggested they didn't have a say in the matter. One-by-one I gave them a quick glance before turning on my heels and headed to the dropship. Only that didn't turn out so well as the back of Raven came across my vision. That and the fact that people walked in and out every second. It was too busy, and I sure as hell wasn't going to share a ship with a girl who surely wanted me dead. So, I had taken to sleeping underneath a large tree on the far side of the camp, away from everyone's piercing stares and whispers about the new Grounder they had to live with.

I blinked. The smell of the meat clashed into me again. Without even thinking, my feet guided themselves over to the stand where some kids were handing out food. Lining up, I zipped the jacket Octavia had so-kindly given to me up. Thanks to the girl I was gifted a new pair of clothes and some fresh boots. To my luck we were roughly the same size — only I was a little taller. I had been patched up by Clarke last night, too, my wounds and skin getting a much-needed clean. For the first time I actually appeared clean and human.

"Did you see it last night — the Exodus ship? It fell right out of the sky last night and then BOOM!"

My ears pecked up at the conversation that the two boys behind me were having. I turned my head to the side, slightly. Pretending to be looking at something on the other side of the camp, I listened in. The boy who spoke drew more than a few eyes to himself. He might as well of announced it to the entire earth.

"Dude, do you wanna speak any louder?" A female voice popped in, sounding restless. "Be careful what you say around here, Tom. We don't know who's listening in."

The girl did her best to lower her voice as she spoke, but it was so damn obvious that she was referring to me. Biting down on my retorts, I uncrossed my arms and tucked my hands into the jacket pockets. I trained my attention back onto the food, imagining the juices of the meat they were serving in my mouth. Ugh, it smelled so good. I bet it tasted even better. It had to beat my usual meals of dried bread and berries.

The line moved forth, closing the gap between me and the meat. The sound of oncoming footsteps was heard, and the kids behind me fell short in their conversation. I looked up, my eyes landing on the tall, hunky figure of Bellamy Blake. He walked to the front of the line, the kids at the front letting him pass as he reached over the table and was handed a plate of meat and bread. The kids lining up said nothing as he pushed in without any polite words, and began to walk away, stuffing his face with the piece of meat I had had my eye on now for the past few minutes. My stomach growled in jealousy. But the piece of meat wasn't what drew me from my position in the line.

I felt a bunch of eyes follow my figure as I walked to Bellamy. I didn't even have to say anything as he caught sight of me when he glanced to the side. He turned, facing me and licking his lips — lips that I had kissed a day ago. I pushed those distractive thoughts from my head and focused on forcing some words out. Neither of us had spoken to one another since we arrived back to camp. Neither of us really wanted to. It was far too awkward between us for my liking, and I hated tension.

The Burning » Bellamy BlakeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz