Ashes, Ashes,

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I do not own The 100, it's characters, or the show's plotline -- all rights go to JRoth and Kass Morgan. However, I do own the entire 'Stalker' plotline, Quinn's plotline, and any new characters added in. If i find anyone using/copying my ideas, i will yu gonplei ste odon your ass :)

WARNING: this was my first (and only) fanfic i've ever written, so please do not expect too much from it. I'm going to be going through and editing the ENTIRE book for you all, to make it a more enjoyable, realistic read. If there are any grammatical/spelling mistakes that I have missed, please let me know, and I'll be sure to go over it once again.

Otherwise, enjoy reading The Burning. Hope you enjoy Quinn's journey!


10 years ago...

The beating of the drums sounded the air; people danced around the fire, singing along to their traditional song as the woods around held the feeling of absolute happiness and peace within the air. My eyes were alight, a smile covering my tanned, freckled face as I watched my brother and his fiance dance together. It was the night of my brother's wedding, and the night of the anniversary of the war that had taken place many moons ago. The war that had resulted in much tension and bloodshed between the clans, and the split of the now-named Stalkers and Trigedakru.

People cheered as my eldest brother, Kemp, twirled his fiance, Alexis. The people of my clan conversed with one another, their laughter echoing throughout the wood. Not a spark or look of worry on any of their faces.

"Quinn, c'mon. Get in and dance!" I was hauled to my feet as my best friend, Keegan, came to stand before me, grinning. Keegan and I let out small giggles as we danced around with other members of the tribe and sang along to the music.

Kemp caught my gaze as I danced with Keegan, throwing me a wink, accompanied by a massive smile on his face. His long brown hair fell just above his shoulders, curls forming at the tips. His hazel eyes that matched the bark of the trees he lived and breathed with, shone bright in the darkness, the light of the torches creating sparkles in his eyes. He whirled Alexis around, turning his gaze back on her. Kemp had fallen instantly for Alexis. From the moment he found her by the river picking for berries as he was out hunting, he swore to us all that he would make her his wife one day. And now, that day was here, and the both of them couldn't stop smiling.

She was truly beautiful; a heart shaped face, paired with a set of brown eyes and the voice blessed by the Gods above. Any man would have been lucky to marry her, but I knew that my brother wasn't just any man. He was the Commander's son, and he was the most handsome and warm-hearted man in the village who put the ones he loved before everything, even himself.

I drifted my gaze back onto Keegan's face, staring at the freckles that kissed his tanned face. His hand gripped mine as we hopped and jumped along to the music. I smiled at him, thankful that I was able to have someone who didn't treat me like a weak, useless girl. We danced around for a little longer till my father and leader of our village, Tate, silenced us all. Both of us came to a slow, taking a seat as our leader stood before us.

"Tonight we bring with us two very magnificent souls. Together shall they live forever and love one another till the end of time. May they choose the rights paths and lead them themselves to a better future."

Tate raised his glass and we cheered. The village smiled as one, looking back at my brother as he placed a kiss on Alexis's forehead. "For Alexis and Kemp!" A man yelled out. The crowd raised their glasses up, the smiles never faltering for even a second.

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