Of Misery And Pain.

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The sun had slipped into its slumber by the time Anya's camp was out of sight. It was a full moon tonight, its light illuminating the wood surrounding me. My feet patted against the ground, kicking up dirt and sticks and the like, the sound of my heartbeat thundering in my ears as I ran like hell. I had to warn Bellamy and the others before it was too late. I had to—

Wait. Shit, where the hell is Finn and Clarke?

Every fibre in my being wanted to run in the direction I just came, but something kept pushing me forward. Somehow, I knew in my gut that they were fine – that they could help themselves. I couldn't get side-tracked from the task at hand. So I kept running, kept pushing my body to move faster, breathe quicker, think harder, for countless lives depended on it.

My lungs burned, my throat achingly dry. I ignored every complaint my body put out, pushing harder, when suddenly – a body dropped before me from above. A string of curse words fell from my mouth as I stumbled over the figure. My legs gave way as I tripped over my own feet. I fell face-first into the ground, landing with a heavy thud. Everything around me spun, every bone in my body screaming.

I groaned, struggling to push myself off the ground. I swallowed as I turned over, quickly, to face the figure that had fallen from above. I reached for my katana, but was reminded that I had left without a weapon as I was met with nothing but air. I let out another grunt; hand-to-hand combat it was then.

I got to my feet, brushing off leaves and the like off my pants as I scanned my surroundings. The figure wasn't moving. I glanced up to where it had fallen and was met with nothing but an empty tree.

What the fuck...

I crept forward, keeping an eye out on my surroundings. From what I could tell, the body was male: built, tall, dark-skinned, black hair. I reached a hand out to turn the male over and was met with an eerily still and icy-cold body. I threw one last warning glance around before turning the body over.

I let out a gasp, stepping back as Kaden's eyes stared up at mine – dead, unmoving, utterly still.

"Ohmygod," I whispered; my eyes wide in shock.

The last time I had saw Kaden was when we rescued—

A low, chilling laugh echoed throughout the wood. Following it: Blade's tall, stocky, build.

His blue eyes stood out amongst the dark shadows of the wood. As he grinned, his teeth did too. Clothed in all black, he stalked forward like a panther: his moves fluid and smooth, eyes sharp and alert, focused only on his prey before him.

I faltered, actual fear striking me as Blade stalked forward.

My father's voice came to me suddenly: no matter how scared you are, never let your enemy know that you are afraid.

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