Through The Flames,

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Throughout the night I had come to rest on my side, lying atop a pile of dead leaves. They didn't offer much comfort, but it was better than the cold, mossy concrete beneath them. The icy cold nighttime air snuck it's way through the rips in my pants and sections of bare skin and caused goosebumps to arise on my skin. My lips were numb, my ears, toes and fingertips too. The jacket I wore offered little warmth, only really heating up my upper body. My arm rested underneath my head, providing a sort of pillow. It didn't help much either, as my arms were nothing but skin and bone. I rolled onto my back. My wounds stung, though I ignored the discomfort. My physical wounds were the least of my worries right at this moment.

I had let Keegan, a wild and psychotic soul, loose because Anya had threatened to kill the Sky Kids. I wasn't sure if she was upholding her comments and storming through their gates right at this moment. I only prayed that if she was, Bellamy, Clarke, Finn, Octavia and all the others escaped with minimal damage. I knew that if they were attacked, and I later returned to them and told them of my capture, Bellamy would return to his old-self. He would completely shut off and most likely kill me on the spot. Just when I had started to see through the cracks in his walls.

I let out a sigh. Seconds after, a scream echoed throughout the halls. I scurried to my feet, almost tumbling over myself. The chains rattled against one another as I waited for any other noise. My peripheral vision went white, my head pounding as my body swayed. I had gotten up far too quickly. I bent over slightly, my hands resting on my knees as I heaved. I let out a hard cough, forcing myself to hurry up the process of vomiting that I hated way too much.

As I bent over, coughing, the cell door screeched open. Slowly coming to stand up straight, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. I felt a pang of fear suddenly envelope me as a Grounder with a masked face entered the room. It was a male, based off his overall large and muscular build and wide shoulders. He stood near the gate, observing me as I waited for him to move. He stood eerily still, no sign of weapons on him at this moment. His hair was a dirty blonde, reaching just above his shoulders. His eyes held the same wild look in them as Keegan's did -- only they were blue, not hazel. Keegan's name made my bones turn cold and brought a nasty flavour to my mouth.

"Has she finally decided to end my misery and sentence me to my fateful death?" I spoke, my words sour.

A part of me didn't mind the thought of dying. It seemed like a peaceful thing. All my worries would disappear, and I'd be reunited with my family in the afterlife while we drunk and feasted for the millennial's to come. It would be complete heaven -- literally. But there was another part of me that was scared of dying. Was it as peaceful as they wrote in poems of the heroic figures that died, tragically? Would the Sky Kids live another day to see the beautiful, godly sun rise? If I gave into Anya and her tormenting ways, that would mean I'd have given up. She and her people would win. After all these years, preparing and mustering up the rage and vengeance to avenge the death of my family, all for nothing.

Maybe I was as cowardice as others perceived me to be.

The Grounder let out a chuckle, "Cheer up, Stalker. I thought your clan was all about peace, bliss and happiness." My eyebrows drew in thought at the sound of the familiar male voice. I stared at him, blinking, as I waited for the answer to come to me. I had heard that voice only a few days ago, and yet I couldn't put a face to it.

He let out a sad sigh, grabbing his chest in despair. "Damn, you've forgotten about me already? Am I that forgettable?" He removed the mask from his face.

I took a step forward, squinting my eyes slightly as I took in his now evident features. "Blade?" I questioned, earning a nod in response from the blonde and a grin. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked, glancing over his shoulder and listening for any unwanted visitors.

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