Death Has Come,

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Before you read this chapter, i just wanted to let you all know that there is ONE more chapter after this... just a little FYI. Anyways, enjoy. This was probably the worst chapter I've written ahahahaha fk but make sure to strap ya selves in, kiddos !! it's a wild one.


Striding out to the main area where the army was preparing for battle, Gyda and I quickly mounted our horses. Anya had been warned; everything about Gyda's story now known to her, as well as the reasoning for Tristan having travelled so far from the citadel. Barely any words had left Anya's lips, other than her stating that she was not surprised. It was almost as if she had expected it of him: to turn against his Commander and threaten Her life.

When she gave us her approval of our plan, Gyda and I were more than satisfied with her words.

"My brothers and sisters," Tristan's voice now echoed throughout the wood, catching the attention of the army before him. He was seated atop a dark, magnificent beast at the front of the army; war paint inking his dark skin. "The night of vengeance has come; the night in which we will tell these children of the sky that this is our land! They think they can just take what has been ours for hundreds of moons without having repercussions?"

The crowd yelled; shouting in anger and blood-thirst.

"When they set camp upon this sacred land and killed our people – when they burnt that village to the ground, killing our women and children without an inch of mercy – they asked for war! And war is what they will be handed!"

The army of Grounders roared as one.

"Brothers and Sisters of the Wood," Tristan stared into the crowd, his eyes swirling with such thirst for battle – for the blood of the Sky Kids I had come to care dearly for – be dripping from his blade. "Ride with me into the arms of victory, as we destroy these outlanders who desecrate our land!"

Horns pierced the once-silent air. Flames danced on their torches, matching the rhythm of the drums that punched the woods peaceful, ancient air. It was just as I had heard the night of The Burning. I only prayed to whoever was listening, that this night would not be another repeat.

I prayed that Tristan would be handed death by my sword, and that the Sky Kids would live to fight another day.


Dusk had fallen as the army reached a mile from the camp. Scouts had been dispersed when light still kissed the sky and had not returned from their mission: to force the Sky Kids back into their camp like mice and wipe them all out at once with a single hit.

I hopped down from my horse and took a deep breath in. Nerves had started to get to me. I was fearful that our plan wouldn't work – that Tristan would escape once again and that I'd never see Bellamy again.

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