Trembling And Crawling,

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It had been just under a week since the kids had fallen from the sky

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It had been just under a week since the kids had fallen from the sky. They'd accomplished much in the first few days of landing, and had also met their newly, loving neighbours -- Trigedakru. I couldn't help but laugh at their mindless thoughts of wondering out into open -- yet claimed -- terrain. It was clear to see they had zero-to-no knowledge of what planet they now stood on. The first few days had been relatively quiet, for they never ventured out too far from their camp. But one day, as I was spying on the Grounders -- eavesdropping to find out their plans -- I heard they had severely wounded one of the kids, and taken him prisoner.

I had followed them to the place where they had hung the person. It was a boy, no older than twenty with a small, thin frame and the palest skin I had ever laid eyes on. A blonde girl had came to the rescue, along with four other kids -- one of them being the dark headed boy I had seen the first day they arrived. He seemed like a dick, his ego twice the size of my blade. I almost let out a small gasp escape my mouth as the blonde fell through one of Their traps. Lucky for her, the boy was there in an instant, hesitating before pulling her back up the hole.

I stuck to the treelines, one hand on the hilt of my sword and ready to draw it out incase any unwelcome visitors decided to throw me a violent surprise party. I didn't know why I had even bothered paying any attention to these newcomers whereabouts, but curiosity got the better of me. I stealthy walked over to a clearing that had just the right amount of bush to hide, but also give me enough space to see clearly.

I heard a sudden growling come from the far right of the field, and felt my jaw drop slightly. It was a jaguar. Not once had I ever seen something so magnificent and powerful. It's fur was a dark black, though due to the sunlight, certain angles made its fur appear a dark purple colour -- like obsidian. I felt a smile creep up on my lips before it let out a low, predatory growl.

My smile faltered.

The jaguar launched itself at the dark-head boy. My eyes widened, my feet pushing me forward just as a loud, piercing noise sounded the air. I covered my ears, staring ahead as I quickly hid back behind the treeline. The darker skinned boy (Wells, I think I heard them call him) held a black object in his hand. Smoke slowly faded into the air from the tip of it, and I felt my hear thunder in my chest. What the hell was I just about to do? I cursed under my breath. I could've gotten myself killed. I took a glance back at the group of kids to find them untying the boy from the tree.

Not wasting another second to be found, I picked up my feet and headed back to my campout -- as far away possible from these kids I could get. It was too risky in the daylight. I would go tonight and scout their camp, see if they had anything worth keeping for myself. Maybe I could get myself ones of those black objects. I'd be unstoppable against the Trigedakru; I'd be able to kill the woman who had killed my family.

But what after? I heard the voice in the back of my head speak, breaking me from my vengeful thoughts. I didn't know what I would do after. I only knew that I would figure that out once I had completed my first task: avenge my family and all the innocent Stalkers whose blood had been spilled for no good reason.

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