Drunk Epic x Overprotective Cross, Fluff

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A/N: I decided to do part 3, cause why not! Epic ain't drunk anymore. Hope you all enjoy this!

Cross's P.O.V: I woke up, I felt something laying next to me. My eyes shot open, I saw Epic laying next to me, NAKED! I noticed I was also naked, with my ecto-stomich wolf tail and ears summoned. I started blushing alot. As I also started remembering what had happened the night before. I sat up and went to go get off the bed, my legs did feel sore, but I didn't think anything pf it until I went to stand up, as soon as I got onto my feet, my legs felt like jelly and gave way from under me as I crashed to the ground. I heard a groun fromnthe bed, "Crossy, you okay?" Epic asked me in a worried tone, I nodded and went to climb up, but my legs felt to weak to do anything with them. I felt two arms wrap around me and lift me back onto the bed, "You need to be careful Crossy, you took alot yesterday. I don't want you to get hurt." Epic told me in a comforting tone, it made me feel safe and calm, as I let myself snuggle back into Epic's rib cage. I felt Epic start scratching my wolf ears, I started feeling sick and started whimpering. Epic noticed and teleported us to the bathroom, I started throwing up in the toilet as Epic went and grabbed something from under the sink. He came back to me and handed me a small long box and walked out, giving me a comforting smile.
   I looked down at the box, It was a pregnancy test! I summoned my ecto-pussy and used the test. After waiting for a few minutes I looked back down at it, it was positive! Tears started streaming down my face, I looked back down at my formed stomach, (he already desummoned his wolf parts) I was pregnant with Epic's child. I heard Epic enter the room, "It's positive, isn't it." I nodded shakily, "It's alright Crossy, I'll be with the whole way." I clutched onto him, he picked me up bridal style, "Tha-thank you" I told Epic, we decided to Cuddle for tree he rest of the morning, until I calmed down!

A/N: I hope you all enjoy this!
(402 Word Count)

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