(Epic x Cross, Fluff) A Nightmare together

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A/N: This was requested by ChenryStickvin, I hope y'all enjoy this!

Cross's P.O.V: I walked up to Nightmare's study, I just finished my mission and was reporting in to him. I opened the door, I saw a skeleton frantically looking around, he was dressed in dark purple's and gold's. After a few seconds his eyes landed on me, "N-Nightmare?" I questioned, he slowly nodded, "Y-you think you could help m-me hide out, until the corruption comes b-back?" He asked. I nodded and told him to wait here for moment. I teleported to Epic's place, "Hey Bruh!" I heard Epic say from behind me, almost making me jump. "Hey Dude, could I ask you something?" I asked nervously, "Sure Bruh! Shoot." He said in an excitedly, "Well, my friend needs a place to stay, for a bit and-", "You guys can stay at my place!" Epic said, cutting me off. I said thanks in a happy tone and that I'd be right back. I teleported back to Nightmare, I basically dragged him back to Epic, "Hey 'pant' Dude! This is 'pant' my friend Nightmare!" I replied through deep breaths. Epic chuckled and introduced himself.

[2 Months Later]

Cross's P.O.V: It's been about 2 months sense me and Nightmare have been staying with Epic. I explained Nightmare's situation to Epic and he agreed to help, I just left out the part about him being the leader of a gang of murderers, that I'm apart of. We tried to get Nightmare's corruption back, from getting him angry, to me and him going to murder people!
            Anyways, I was currently sitting on the couch, while Nightmare was sitting on the floor reading a book. Epic came out and sat next to me, I was currently tired so I layed my head on his shoulder. My mind started wandering, once Nightmare returned to his corrupted form, I probably wouldn't be able to see Epic for a long while, maybe even forever! I snuggled my head into the nook between his skull and shoulder. I took a deep breath, breathing in Epic's scent, it was so calming being here with him. I opened my eye sockets, I hadn't even realized I closed them, Epic slithered his hand behind me, laying his skull on mine, his hand rubbing my back. I made a soft pur like sound, snuggling more into Epic, but still making sure it didn't hurt. I felt Epic move our positions, so now I was on his lap facing him. I started snuggling into his chest while he started rubbing my skull and upper back, I continued to let out the quiet pur sounds. "Can I ask you a question or two Bruh?" I heard Epic ask me, "Yea, sure." I mumbled out. I felt him teleporte us, I lifted my head from his chest reluctantly, a light purple blush covering my skull. "I know this might be sudden but... I have been wondering if we could be... more than friends, and well... Cross, will you be my boyfriend?" I stared at Epic in shock, "Y-yes. Yes! Of Course! I would love to!" I replied. With my reply he kissed me, I gladly kissed back, I felt his tongue aske for entrance, I allowed as he started sucking on my tongue. We eventually separated for air, though once we did, the small anoticable feeling for attention grew a bit. Once I caught my breath I asked, " You had another question?", "Yea! Have you been sleeping?" He replied. I slowly nodded after a minute, he let out a sigh, then pulled me closer to him, sitting on his lap again. I immediately snuggled my head back into his ribcage, I heard Epic chuckle, "Sweet Dreams Crossy." He whispered, I started falling asleep, eventually falling out of consciousness.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this! I really liked making it! Have a great Morning Day or Night!
(661 Word Count)

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