A 'Killer' Cuddle (Yander Cross x Epic)

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A/N: This was requested by YeeSans!
I hope you enjoy!

Cross's P.O.V: I was pissed off! Why? Because Epic was hanging out with Killer more than me! About a month ago I brought Epic to meet the gang, he and Killer really hit it off and hung out together basically the whole time. I didn't mind at first when Killer hung out with us from time to time, but when they started hanging out without me I started getting annoyed. It got to the point where, whenever I went to hang out with Epic, Killer was there! For a while now, I've had a crush on Epic, and have wanted to tell him but, Killer is always around so I can't! So this time I have a plan! Last night I poisoned Killer's food, so he would get sick. This way I could take Epic out on a date! I put on my normal outfit, and went downstairs.
I was about to leave when I heard knocking at the front door. I went to open, and surprise, surprise, Epic was there, "Hey dude! What are doing here?" I asked him, "Killer called me, and told he was sick! So I was decided to drop off  some medicine for him!" Epic replied, to say I was pissed would be an understatement, but I stayed calm. "Once you're done, you wanna hang out?", I said trying my best not to sound desperate, "Sure bruh! Just let me drop off the medicine." Epic said, I replied with an alright!
  After he dropped off the medicine, I took us out to OuterTale. The area I took us to was really nice, it had an amazing view of the sky! Me and Epic were having a good time, sharing jokes and memes, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! Me and Killer started dating last week!" Epic said. I felt as if someone had just stabbed me in the soul 20 times! I told him I had to go grab something and teleported off into the forest and started crying, I have liked Epic for so long, Killer knew that I liked Epic! After a few minutes of crying I got up and covered my face with my hood and teleported back, but before I did I grabbed us some Icecream then teleported back to Epic. He was watching memes on his phone, "Hey dude, I'm back!" I said suprising him, "Oh, hey bruh!" Epic replied, I handed him one of the Icecream's, "Thanks Bruh" he said to me.

Epic's P.O.V: Cross handed me an Icecream, I thanked him. He seemed upset about something, as he had his hood up, which he rarely did unless he was upset about something. I decided to ask him, "Hey bruh, you okay?" I asked him, "I'm fine dude, why?" He said with his usual smile, "You just look upset, that's all" I said, he just chuckled and continued to eat his Icecream, I looked him in the face, he looked like he had been crying
I decided to ask him about it later.

[Two Months later]

Cross's P.O.V: I received a call from Epic, he asked me to meet him at his place. I got ready and teleported over to his place. I knocked on the door, Epic's Paps opened the door, "Hello Cross, I was about to go to Undyne's! Epic is innhis room, see you later." He said. I walked up to Epic's room, I knocked on his door, "Co-come in" I heard Epic say, his voice sounded rough. I walked into his bedroom, I saw him curled up on his bed, it honestly it hurt my soul to see him like this. I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him and rubbed his back. He slowly started to calm down, "Who did this to you Epic" I asked him. He looked at me with a confused look so I asked him again, "Who hurt you Epic." I looked up at him and gave him a soft smile, "Ki-Killer cheated on me." Epic replied. Now I was more than pissed, but I stayed calm. I pulled myself onto his lap, and hugged him tightly, I nuzzled my head into his neck, he softly chuckled at my actions I blushed a light purple, Epic hesitantly hugged back and nuzzled his head.
After Epic fell asleep, I called for Killer to meet me in UnderFell. He agreed, so I teleported over to UnderFell and hid near the entrance of Snowden Forest. I saw Killer teleport infront of the ruins door, I watched him look around confused. I quickly used my magic to levitate Killer against a tree, then used some bones to hold him there. I gave him a wicked grin and walked towards him, I summoned my giant knife and lunged at him and thrusted my knife into his soul. I watched as Killer slowly turned to dust. After Killer completely turned to dust, I teleported to the mansion and got changed into some clean clothes. Then teleported over to Epic's place and crawled onto the bed next to him and nuzzled my head into his ribcage. No one was gonna hurt Epic, NO ONE!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this oneshot! (885 word count)

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