chapter six

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For the next two days, you're going to be off work. As much as you complain and curse in your head about getting up at morning's ass crack, it's more fun than being bored and alone in your apartment. Sometimes, you think you should get a puppy. But you remember you'd get separation anxiety and end up taking it to set every day. Maybe a plant would be nice, but you'd probably forget to water it and it would shrivel up and die in your dark apartment.

Today, you decide you will binge some Netflix and bake cookies. Because why not? You preheat the little oven and grab the store bought roll of chocolate chip cookie dough out of the fridge. You dance around your kitchen in plaid pajama pants, bunny slippers, and a black sports bra because it's still warm. The Vampire Diaries plays from the living room as you use your big girl knife to slice away the plastic wrapping. You're normally not one to love unrealistic teen drama, but this show is like a guilty pleasure and a part of your workaholic self longs for a dangerous love like Damon and Elena.

You chop the cookie dough into circles and lay them on a sheet. This circle is smaller than the rest, you think at the last one. You eat it, not really caring that you just consumed raw egg. (Salmonella who?)

You plop them in the oven and sit your happy ass on the couch where you watch Silas take over his doppelgänger's life. You sit, hitting your knees and enjoying watching tv. You had covered the window over the kitchen sink with curtains and the blackout curtains on the window in the living room are constantly closed, blocking the hot Los Angeles sun from the apartment. You're not entirely sure what time it is, but it can't be any later than 2pm.

30 minutes later, the cookies are ready to cool off. You turn off the oven, because no burning down the apartment today, and let the sheet pan rest on the counter for a bit. You grab your phone off the coffee table and check any messages. One is a weird meme from Matthew that you chuckle at its stupidity, and the rest are from Aisha, Jess, and your sister Lola.

You text a "yes!" Aisha asking if you wanted to hang out with her and the rest of the girls next weekend. Jess is gushing about her new crush Jacklyn, and Lola is attempting to get insight on the new season so far.

You're really happy for Jess, you just hope she isn't falling too hard too soon. Last time, she rushed in and the girl ended up breaking her heart bad. You can't stand to see her get hurt again.

You tell Lola just a little bit about your character that isn't really insight at all, and she is pleading for more. You have to explain that you don't actually know a lot and just got the script for episode 10.

You set your phone back down and grab a few cookies off the counter and plop back down on the couch to find a hot Ian Somerhalder on the screen. The chocolate chip cookies make your taste buds and tummy happy and you debate on eating more. You made 11, so why not? You eat one more, and your stomach is starting to yell at you for only consuming 3 cookies today and nothing else.

You find yourself wanting to be surrounded by your castmates, you love being alone occasionally but sometimes it just feels kinda sad. You'll be fine though, it's just a little thought that burns in the back of your head that you need to always be busy.

There's a knock on your door as your getting a glass of water from the kitchen. You shimmy your way over and open it, thinking it's just a neighbor saying your tv is too loud.

"Hey-" Matthew's eyes get a little wider as he notices you're not wearing a real top.

A flush creeps on your cheeks immediately, and you feel the need to cover up. You put your arms over your tummy. "Yes?"

"You left this on set, thought I'd bring it to you." He hands you your marble printed planner.

"Uh thanks." Your face is awkward as you take it from him. So is his.

"Okay well uh bye, Y/n."

"Bye Gubler."

"Nice slippers by the way, and thanks for letting me see you naked!" Matthew says making his way down the hall. Everyone of your neighbors had to have heard it. What an ass.

You felt insecure opening the door in your bra, and it made it worse that it was Matthew. He'd probably find a way to flip the story and tell everyone it.

What doesn't make sense though is why he brought it to you? Sure you don't live entirely far from him, but you could've just gotten it Thursday when you go in. He probably figured you'd be super gripey if you didn't have every plan written down, which isn't entirely true but that's how everyone most likely sees you. An uptight bitch. Which isn't true, some people, like Gubler, just get on your nerves. And some times you just like to be in control.

You're almost done with season 5, which means you watched a shit ton of episodes today. You decide to stop when you reach season 6 and go to bed.

You take off your bunny slippers and lay down, cuddling up with your cream colored comforter.

You decide to go shopping for a new outfit today. Your date it on Friday night and you want to make sure you dress to impress. Or dress to look good for yourself.

You walk on the concrete outside the 'strip mall' seeing all kinds of stores. You decide to head into one and look around for a bit. For this date, you're not really sure if you want a dress or just some nice clothes.

You've seen a few pictures of this guy and have talked to him a bit the last week. He normally dresses in a nice shirt, jeans, and some cool sneakers. So maybe you should be a little less uptight and fancy?

You spot a white blazer with a black grid print. It's classy and fun at the same time. It's not entirely too expensive, so you decide to buy it.

You go shoppings around for a bit more and buy a new pair of white sneakers that are slightly different from the other pair you have. (literally me with 4 pairs of white shoes)

By the time it's 12pm, you're getting hungry. You decide to get some food at a little Chinese restaurant a few streets away. You eat your egg rolls and rice with chicken as you scroll on your phone.

When you get home, you hang up your new blazer and put away your shoes.

You call your mom and talk with her for a bit about life in LA and how her and the family are doing. You talk to your dad sometimes, but really only a few times a month through text. He comes into the room where your mother is, and you can feel the tension. He loves you obviously, but he's not the happiest that you're an actress. Which is completely stupid, because you're 33 years old and can do whatever the fuck you want.

You change out of your blue top and jeans before slipping on some pajamas.

1268 words. hope you enjoyed a little bit at least! ik this was kinda boring:(

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