(A/F)- Dream I (Claude)

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Series Name: Dreams of Reality

Claude de Alger Obelia
:Mentions of Torture, Beatings, etc.

A/N: This timeline happened before he met Diana.

First Meeting..?


A grimace overtook her lips as her relatives gathered themselves aepund her. Her family had initiated on a family reunion consisting of the brothers of her father, mother, and cousins.

Her parents were somewhat considered rich, as society judges. Her father was from the lineage of CEO's on his family while her mother was a manager due to her father's power. A perfect family right?

'It's shitty, I tell you.'

The 20 year girl politely socialized with her cousins, talking about relationship and plans for her future, not that she had a choice on it.

'You're really lucky!'

'You're the perfect daughter parents could ask for!'

'I wish I could be you.'

Those were all the things she always hear. All her replies were polite and forced thanks and nods.

When the dinner came, they ate in a peaceful manner, constant talks here and there.

It was a coincidence. When they had nothing to say to each other, the girl just had to choke from her food, throwing her into a coughing fit.

All eyes were on her, she knew what they had in mind, that the perfect daughter, wasn't perfect afterall. Thwy had always wanted to see her break.

The others stood silent for a moment as she muttered an apology. They all quickly payed no heed and thankfully, one of her relative talked once again.

'How did you two raised her so well!'

'Teach me your ways!'

'She can make you two successful in no time!

'I envy you two, what a perfect daughter (Y/N) is!

Ah, yes.

(Y/N) (L/N), the one and only daughter everyone wants to have.

The daughter that would make them successful.

The daughter everyone envies.

The daughter every parents would want.

The Perfect Daughter.

Does no one wander why she wear long sleeves? Or dress with sleeves? Or why she wears too much make up?
Or why she does not act on her own accord?

Is she that perfect, that she had to be the one to ask everyone.

"Are you okay?"

That no one, not even a single soul, asks her that?

She only wanted someone, to ask that sole question, but they 'know' they didn't need to ask that.

She was shaped that way afterall. They didn't know what her so called 'parents' were behind closed doors.

...No one..

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