JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 3)

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I sat at one of the tables at the wreck, I couldn't help but pick at the paint on the table. A glass of water in front of me. I couldn't believe I let this happen, this is all my fault. If anytime gets hurt it's my fault. It had been over half hour since Kie had brought me here and we hadn't heard anything from the boys.
"You sure you don't want anything to eat?" Kie questioned pulling the seat out next to me, she placed her glass of water down and sat down.
"I'm not hungry..." My eyes went from her to the door then back, I checked at even the slightest noise to see whether it was any of the boys but no luck so far.
"They'll be fine, trust me this isn't the worst thing they've done" Kie laughed trying to reassure me but it didn't. I also couldn't help but think of Sarah's face, she had been my best friend but know I'm sure she'd never want to hear from me again. What was I going to do. Everyone will be talking about this. How am I going to go to school? What will everyone say? My thought were interrupted by the door opening and shutting, my head quickly turning. JJ, John B and Pope came walking through the door, all of them having cuts and starts of bruises. I stood up pushed the chair back making my way to JJ wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug. Never would I thought I'd be relieved to be able to hug JJ. He winced as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer. I quickly pulled away.
"I'm sorry you got hurt because of me" I looked down before looking back up.
"Anyday..." a smile on his face.
"I'm sorry you guys got hurt as well" I quickly turned to the other two boys who were now sat at the table I had previously been at, Kie looking at Popes cut near his eyebrow.
"It's fine"
"I've been in worse fights" I rolled my eyes at John B's comment.
"What happened? Why did it take so long for you guys to get back?" Kie turned from Pope to John B then turned to JJ.
"Well the fight only lasted like five minutes, Topper broke it up as the cops were called" John B answered leaning back into his seat.
"I can't believe Kelce and that other guy got involved after what you said?" Kie shook her head crossing her arms.
"They didn't really, they didn't put much effort in" Pope said. The group broke into chatter as my phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out seeing my dads name.
From: Dad
We're are you?
I heard that party
got broken you by the
police for fighting.
I read my dads message, I turned to look at JJ who seemed to be minding his own business, the others still chatting happily away.
To: Dad
I'm with Kie,
John B, JJ and
Pope. I'll probably just
stay at Kie's if that's okay.
My dad responded with okay as I turned to look over at JJ who was sat in one of the closer chairs.
"Don't you want to know who that was?" I questioned walking closer leaning on the chair opposite him.
"No, if it was important you'd tell us" he shrugged, the bruise near his eye more evident. I was so used to having Rafe breath down my neck when I was texting it felt strange not to have that. I pulled the chair and sat down.
"It was my day, he was wondering where I was at. I told him with I was with you guys and I'll probably stay at Kie's if it's okay with her" the boy nodded along as I spoke.
"If it's not you could always stay at John B's" he laughed looking over at the other table.
"Offering John B's house before your own" I laughed, the boy looked down before looking back up, a look of hurt which he quickly hid. I had definitely hit a nerve. "What ever it is I'm sorry for bringing it up"
"My dads like Rafe Cameron..." he looked up as he trailed off, he looked hurt and it broke me. "It's why I was so concerned about you, I know what it's like, and I don't want you going through that" I moved my chair closer taking the boys hand in mine. "It's also why I stay at John B's myself" I squeezed his hand as he spoke.
"Thank you" the boy looked up confused.
"Thank you?"
"Thank you for what you did with Rafe Cameron, thank you for not letting me go with him, thank you for defending me and being concerned. And thank you for telling me what you just did" I smiled at the boy, he smiled back.
"What going on here then" John B came over placing his hand on the back of JJ's chair forcing both of us to pull out hands away.
"Is it okay if y/n stays at your tonight?" JJ looked up at John B. A smile crossing John B face.
"Of course, Pope, Kie" he turned to look back at the other two pogues. "You down to crash at mine tonight?" The two quickly agreed and the five of us made our way to John B's.

The next morning my timeline was filled with videos of the fight, people debating whether what JJ said was right, people calling me a liar while other called Rafe and abuser. 'Come in she's always been a liar', 'I knew it', 'Rafe Cameron's never gonna live this one down', 'guys come on she's probably just saying it to get closer to JJ'. On top of those comments I had people messaging me asking whether it was true and I didn't have the energy to reply, I just couldn't. I sat on the porch look out, the only sounds was the sound of the water and a light wind, JJ, John B, Pope and Kie were all still asleep.
"I finally found you then" I turned to look to see Sarah walking closer, I couldn't read her. "Is it true?" There was no emotion to her voice. I looked away as tears built up, I nodded my head. Sarah didn't say anything else she just walked closer and took a set next to me on the porch putting her arm around me and pulling me closer. "Why didn't you tell me?" I turned to face her as the tears started to slip down.
"Because he's you brother" I stressed, the girl looked down shame written on her face.
"I wish he wasn't..." she trailed off. "I'm so sorry y/n" tears in her eyes.
"You've got nothing to be sorry about" I looked at the girl, meeting Sarah was the only good thing that came out my relationship with Rafe. "Your the only good thing from that relationship" the girl smiled pulling me closer to her.
"I promise you you'll never be hurt by him again" I could tell she meant every word. A silence fell over us. "I still can't believe you told pogues before me" I could tell she meant it as a joke.
"I also told Topper but made he promise not to tell you" disbelief crossed her face. "I had to, he saw the messages between me and JJ" I argued my case.
"I more shocked that he was able to keep it from me even after I questioned him last night. But it does explain his passive aggressiveness towards Rafe" I smiled remember how Topper had my back after I told him everything. "Even though you say I have nothing to be sorry for I do, I made you feel as though you couldn't come to me, that I wouldn't believe or trust you but I promise you.." she moved her hand from around my shoulder taking my hands in hers. "I'll always believe you and trust you, no matter what" she squeezed my hands as a smile formed on my face.
"The same goes for you" I squeezed her hands back. Silence fell again l.
"Alright then let's go meet this pogue friends of yours" she stood up pulling me with her. "What's their names?"
"JJ, John B and Kie, I think you'll like them" she smiled as I took a step up.

I'm back but extremely stressed with uni not gonna lie I'm so close to just
dropping out
Not gonna lie I'm actually soo close but I won't (ask me again in four months😂)
Who next?

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