Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed"

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Description; you've just moved from the city, you used to only spend the summer here. You class yourself very much as a kook till you start questioning why.
(Honestly didn't know how to describe this, but enjoy)
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking


I sat taking in the remaining sun of the summer, it was only a few more days till school started. I sat looking out at the water. Most people like me had taken the opportunity to stay home and relax, only a few boats passing by on the water. I watched as a boat came closer and closer to our dock, it sure wasn't a boat owned by a kook, the marks on the side gave that away. I watched as it stopped at the dock, four figures on the boat. There was a boy with blonde hair, another with sandy brown hair, a girl and a boy wearing a baseball cap. The boy with the cap made his way off the boat looking back at the other three who seemed to be laughing between one another. The boy in the hat then held out a hand out to the girl who passed him a plastic bag, the boy then shook his head turning his back on the other three and started to make his way up the dock. I stood up making my way over to the boy who seemed to be looking around the building not noticing me.
"Hi, can I help you?" I asked as I got closer to him taking him by surprise.
"Ugh hi I'm looking for..." the boy trailed off looking down at the piece of paper in his hand. "Mr y/l/n" my dad, he was looking for my dad.
"Can I ask why" I crossed my arms, I could hardly see why my dad would be meeting with Pogues, especially teenage Pogues.
"I'm delivering something for my dad, Mr Heyward" He held the bag up. I looked from the bag then back to the boy. I gave him a quick look up and down. For a pogue he was cute. Even though he was acting as though he was calm and collective I could see the nerves.
"Give me a second" I turned my back to the boy and making my way into the house leaving him outside. The house was a lot cooler than outside, I couldn't help but shiver from the drastic temperature change. I made my way further through the house calling for my dad.
"What's up y/n" His face appeared over the bannister looking down at me, his glasses clinging to his face.
"There's a boy here saying he has a delivery for you from someone called Mr Heyward" I looked up at my dad tilting my head to the side, a smile crossing his face. My dad disappeared then came back into sight as he walked down the stairs.
"Yeah, it's fine. Mr Heywards an old friend of mine" Mr dad reassured me as he walked towards the back door, I followed behind.

The boy was stood in the same place I had left him swinging the bag as he himself swayed. From what I could tell he was looking at the boat, the people on the boat.
"You must be Pope" My dad greeted the boy as if they had been old friends themselves. I looked between the two, Pope seemed just as surprised by how he had been greeted.
"You must be Mr y/l/n" Pope greeted my dad back.
"Call me y/d/n" My dad said to the boy who quickly nodded his head, he didn't want to upset my dad I don't think.
"Well this is for you" He handed the bag to my dad who took it from him with a smile. I watched the interaction, my dad never allowed people to call him by his first name, he was very formal, he had to be but that all seemed to go out the window.
"Thank you, Pope, also tell your dad thank you" The boy nodded not saying a word, his gaze travelling passed my dad to me, I held his gaze before he finally looked away.
"I should probably go..." He looked back at the point signalling to it. "A lot more delivers to do"
"Of course, hopefully, we'll be seeing you again soon" I looked up at my dad who again was smiling at the boy. Again the boy just nodded before saying a quick goodbye and making his way back to his boat. My dad turned walking back into the house, I stood watching the boy as he walked down the deck. It wasn't till he was on the boat and leaving did I turn and make my way back into the house.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as my dad emptied the contents of the bag onto the counter. I looked at each object getting even more confused. Why did he order this from Haywards he could have got it from any shop around here. "Why did you order this stuff from some Pogues"
"Hey, don't" He pointed a finger at me, a stern look on his face. "Drop that Pogue and Kook shit" he started to put the stuff closer to him away.
"But he is, and Pogues are..."I trailed off looking to the side as I spoke.
"Pogues are what?" My dad questioned placing the item in his hand down. He shook his head when I didn't respond to him. "You need to drop this attitude by Saturday" He picked the item up again and placed it into the correct place.
"Why" I inquired walking closer crossing my arms across my chest.
"Because the Heywards are joining us for a barbeque that night." I couldn't believe what he was saying. He had to be kidding what would people say. I can't be seen hanging with Pogues before starting at school, none of the other Kooks would want to be my friend.
"I can't be seen hanging with Pogues, Kooks and Pogues don't hang out" I placed my hands on the counter leaning forward, my dads head quickly turning to look at me.
"Jesus your not a Kook, before this summer we only came here for the summer" my dad huffed. "And without Heywards help you wouldn't even have the chance to be a Kook" my dad turned to fully face me.
"What does that mean?" I questioned.
"All through High School Heyward helped me with school, unlike me he didn't get the option to go to college" He grabbed the bag from the side shoving it in one of the draws.
"So what? This is Charity" I pointed to the remaining stuff that was on the counter.
"No, I wanted to buy from him. Not because I felt guilty but because he's my friend and I wanted to help his business" His voice filled with annoyance.
"A friend you haven't spoken to in years till you decided to move back" I pointed out to him, my dad raised a hand rubbing his eyes, his glasses lifting.
"We spoke every summer we came here but he was always too busy as his business does the best in the summer." He remained rubbing his eyes, taking his glasses off now with his other hand.
"Please think what this can do to-""that's enough y/n!" My dad interrupted me. "I won't hear anything else, the Heywards are coming Saturday" I didn't say anything I just shook my head walking out and up the stairs.

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