Authors Notes

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Thanks so much for taking the time to read my work. This is a story I've had on my mind and scattered on notes for almost two years. I've written pieces, deleted pieces, and started all over again. It's a work in progress (what writer's work isn't) and I'm so excited to share it with you. 

Just a few notes, Part One is set in August, the beginning of a school year and the beginning of a new chapter for Beth and Chris. August, we will learn, also marks the three year anniversary of Jason's first wife's death. These dates aren't a coincidence, but also don't have any real interwoven meaning...or do they?

Part Two takes place beginning in December. The holidays are a happy and exciting time for most people. But, Beth will find that not everything is as jolly as it always appears. Thanks again for your support. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it. 

- Courtney

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