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"I don't know why you want these but okay." Julie says as Violet and her take a picture with two random students. "Same." Violet agrees.

"Can we get a selfie too?" Ryan and Nick walk up to them. "We have to check with security." Violet answers. "Oh, wait. We don't have any." Julie continues. "you laugh. But, after last nights performance, it's pretty clear." Ryan started. "y'all are gonna blow up." Nick finished. "it was just a garage party, don't go all crazy on us." Julie states. "Julie, sorry I couldn't stay for the whole thing. I had homework." Nick looks to her. Violet raises her eyebrows at Julie before walking away a bit. 

"Hey, uh, since we make such a great pair- team in dancing, I was wondering if there was any chance we could be chem lab partners?" Ryan jogs to Violet. "Oh, I'm sorry, but, I already said I would partner with Juls." She says. "Study partners?" Ryan asks. "Sorry, but with the band, I'm not sure I'll have any free time." Violet answers. "Oh... no worries, one last question." Ryan hold his finger up. "okay." She laughs. "Violet, will you go on a date with me?" 

"uhh.. I am flattered, honestly, and you're a great guy. But, I..." Violet trails off. "like someone else?" Ryan looks at her. "yeah... I actually just went on a date 2 days ago." She bites her cheek. "Oh, was it good?" Ryan awkwardly asks. "yea, actually. We went to this spot and he is the most charm- I should stop talking now." Violet rambles. "We're still dance partners, right?" Ryan picks his head up. "definitely." She smiles. "I'll see you around." Ryan waves. "see ya." 

"That wasn't just a 'what's up.'" Flynn and Julie walk up to Violet. "Ryan wanted to go on a date..." 

Julie gasps. 

"...and I said shot him down." Violet looks at them.  "Why?" Flynn questions. "you know what you said, this Luke thing won't go away and... uhm..." Violet trails. "Yeah, It's never gonna go away." Her faces turns a beat red. "You're hiding something." Julie points. "I went on a date this weekend... with Luke." Violet gulps. "He's a ghost.!" Flynn interrupts. "a cute ghost. That I can somehow touch." Violet continues. "wait- how?" Julie asks. "I- I don't know! I think that, based off of research, it is because I'm attached to his soul?" Violet guesses. "That's creepy." Flynn says. 

"Awwee, Our baby's already grown up." Julie gushes to Flynn. "Julie, I'm older than you!" Violet argues. "she chooses to like someone who doesn't really exist, but she's all grown up." Flynn agrees. 

"But he does exist, to me. He might just be air, but, we connect in so many other ways." Violet explains. "You are the most watchable duetters I've ever seen." Flynn agrees. "it's not just singing. We somehow even have the same writing spot. Plus, when we do write, it's from the same pain. Our moms. My mom isn't actually dead, but it sure feels like it. I mean, she sees me, what? Once a year. One day out of Three Hundred and Sixty-Five?" Violet continues. "Don't make us cry." Julie tells her. "Yeah, I'm having a really good eyeliner day." Flynn wipes her eyes. 

"it's just, Luke's hurting so much and- and I don't know how to help or even if I can." Tears spring into Violets eyes. "maybe you could write him a song!" Julie gasps. "Make him feel better!" Flynn nudges her. 

"Oh my God!! Y'all are like- little geniuses!" Violet turns to run. "Not shorty V talking." Julie says. "V! You still have class!" Flynn yells. "Shi- Shoot. I do." Violet continues to walk at a fast pace in the same direction. Flynn hurries to her and drags her to class. "geniuses..." Violet mutters. 


Violet walks up the stairs, towards the front door.  She was about to ring the doorbell, before she hears a poof right next to her. She looks, "Luke." 

"What are you doing here?"

"um...," Violet paused for a second before continuing, "Have you ever felt that even though the person is right there, in the palm of your hand, you can't talk to them?" Violet takes a few steps towards him. "wait, stupid question. I'm not saying I feel the same you do, nor is my situation similar to yours. I know I can always just text my mom or call her, if I really wanted to. but..."

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