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"I can't say this enough, that was incredible." Flynn compliments Julie and Violet as they, Ray, and Carlos are sat at the counter, eating Pizza. "but epic fail on the eye contact thing." Flynn looks at Violet. "How do you do those holograms?" "oh, don't try to understand Carlos, I don't" Ray tells him. "That's because you're old." Carlos informs him. "hahah. Funny guy." Ray points towards him, "I'd send you to your room, but who's gonna clean up this mess?" "don't poke the bear." Violet and Julie say. "jinx!" they look at each other. "So.. What are the boys doing now?" Ray asks. "Hanging out, I guess." Violet answers. "yeah, or whatever you do when you're from where they're from." Julie continues, "Hey, so, what cameras did you use out there?" A look comes across Rays face, "Interested in my work?" He sits down, "Well, I uh, I shot with an XF105. The latest model, it's very good..." Flynn, Julie, and Violet all fist bump. 


Violet was playing around with keys on her piano. She hears a poofing sound behind her. Looking, she finds Luke sitting on her bed. She laughs, smiling, "Hi Lu." He smiles at her, before sitting next to her on the piano bench. 

After a while of Luke watching her mess around with keys, he speaks, "Hey, I got a question." "shoot." Violet replies, looking at him. "What?" he furrows his eyebrows. "just ask the question." She smiles. "Okay, um.. the songs you showed me.. on the CD. What are they about? oh, and Lie to Me."

"oh.. They're kind of about... you." Violet looks down and then up at him. "oh... I'm glad I gave you song ideas, just not in the way I planned to. Anyway, tell me more?" Luke asks.

"Sure." Violet turns to the page in her song book, titled 'Stress Me Out,' "this one is about when you said that you wouldn't dit- be late to the dance. I was wondering what had caused you to be so late. What you were doing at that time." 

Luke looked at her in guilt, "I'm sorry." "you already apologized and I accepted it, just don't do it again." Violet smiles. "Kinda Numb?" Luke asked. 

"When I wrote Kinda Numb, I was thinking that maybe you were performing with people other than Julie and I and I know that is jealousy. But I like working with you and I don't wanna work with anyone else." Violet looks down.

"Hey." Luke tries to get her attention, "Look at me." 

She looks up.

"I don't want to work with anyone else but you." He looks into her eyes.

Violet breathes out a smile. "Why you so curious all of a sudden? Knowing what my songs are about." 

"I don't know, I just- Even though we haven't really known each other long, I feel I can trust you with anything." Luke admits.

"Me too. I feel we've known each other for life." Violet says. "Yeah, almost like, you're apart of me." Luke agrees.

"Like, Finally Free!" Violet laughs, "I got a spark in me." she lightly sings. "I got a spark in me." Luke echoes. "And you're apart of me." Violet playfully tilts her head left-to-right. "And you're apart of me." Luke laughs. "Now 'til eternity." Violets mood turns serious. "Now 'til eternity." Luke stares. "Been so long and now we're.." Violets voice fades. They smile and slowly lean in. 

As they kiss, there is a bright golden light surrounding them. Violet is now attached to Lukes soul.

They lean out of the kiss. "woah." Violet gasps. "yeah." Luke agrees. They stand in silence until Violet wraps her hands around his shoulders, hugging him. He smiles, hugging back. 

"May I know about your other songs?" Luke asks after what feels like a minute, in reality it's been 5. "Yes." Violet agrees, facing her songbook. 

While Violet explains her songs meanings, Luke watches her with a smile. 

Later on in the night, they lay in her bed. Violet shows Luke movies and lets him pick one out, The Breakfast Club.

Towards the end of the movie, "Do you want to spend the day together today?" Luke asked. "You mean tom- oh, it's 2:33am." Violet looks at the clock, "Sure." 

At the end of movie, Violet falls asleep, head on Lukes chest. He smiles, kissing her head, then, putting her laptop on her nightstand.


"Hey, What are you doing up so early?" a knock sounded at Violets door. 

Violet shot up from her bed, jumping when she saw Luke at her keyboard. "I couldn't sleep" she answers. She looks towards Luke before walking to the door, "I thought you were working all weekend?" "I am, but I just left some things. I'll see you later sweetheart, don't get in trouble." Her dad says before leaving. "I won't" Violet smiles. 

"Get ready, we are going to a couple of my favorite places today." Violet rushes to Luke with a bright smile. "okay, I'll be right back." Luke replies before poofing away. 

Violet picks a cute, simple outfit out of her closet consisting of a black crop and ripped jeans, but struggled to find a good jacket.

Still, she struggles when Luke appears behind her. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I can't find anything to wear over this shirt." Violet whines.

Luke chuckles, taking off the orange flannel-jacket he was wearing. "Wait, won't you be cold?" Violet asks. "I'll be fine." He turns Violet around, "Arms out." She puts her arms out. Luke places the jacket on her. "I can put on a jacket." Violet tells him. "Sure you can." Luke replies. Violet faces Luke and attacks him in a hug. "I'm glad we can finally touch each other." She smiles. "woahhh." Luke widens his eyes. "Shut up, not like that." Violet tucks her head into his neck. 

"So, where are we going exactly?" Luke asks. "you'll find out." Violet grabs his hand and walks to her car. 


Violet stops the car, "Place numero uno." She gets out while showcasing behind her. "it's a shack?" Luke asks. "No, not the shack. Come on." She grabs his hand. "Wait, hold on.." she gets out her airpods and places one in her ear, "So people don't think I'm talking to myself."

They walk in the opposite direction of the shack and come across a ton of different shops next to each other. "music shop?" Violet asks.


"okay, so I wanna show this really cute place and then after that, we can walk the pier and the-" Violet excites. "Lottie, I actually wanna show you this cool place, if it's still there. And then, we should probably get you home because it's getting late." Luke looks at her phone that reads 6:30pm. "oh, okay. Why don't you show me your place and then we head to my house and write music?" Violet suggests. "That sounds great." 

Violet drives as Luke leads. They end up at a spot near the water, behind a hill on a stranded part of a beach. "Wait, this is my spot. How'd you know about this?" She asks him. "This was my spot for when I started thinking about my songs." Luke told her. "I wrote my songs here too." She smiles. They sit down against the hill

"Do you think it's fate?" Violet asks, messing with a rock on the sandy ground. "What is?" Luke looks towards her. "Us. I mean, meeting and my mom basically telling me all about you guys and how much I would like y'all and now, having the same spot to write songs?" She answers. 

"Do you think it's fate?" Luke questions. "I don't know." She looks down. 

"Hey, I think I left something in your car. I'll be right back." Luke says then walks off. Violet sighs during the silence and stares off into the sunset. 

"Here." Luke appears out of nowhere with a basket. "What's that?" Violet points at the basket. "For you." He hands her it. Violet takes a peak inside, "awwe, I love it." The said package is a care package with all Violets favorite things. A leather book for song writing, a few packages of candy, and a cute white teddy bear with a music themed bow-tie. "Thank you so much." She hugs Luke. 

"I have one last thing," Luke says. "okay.." Violet motions for him to continue. "I was wondering if you considered this a date?" He asks shyly. Violet laughs, "Only if you do." 

(To anybody who is confused, if you are, the phantoms can only touch what is attached to their soul. Violet and Luke spend so much time together, it didn't take long at all.)

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