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Violet fell through Lukes hug when she realized they were touching. "woah..." they both were in shock. And before they knew it, it was 3am. They had spent the whole night talking about music and their past. Including how Luke had left his parents house and regretted it and how Violet misses her mom and her iffy relationship with her dad. They said goodbye and Luke poofed out.

Sure, Julie and Luke spent the weekend writing new songs and finishing others. But every night, Luke and Violet spent time together going over everything, making sure it was perfect. Fixed a bit of notes and lyrics here and there. But, they mostly just spent time talking to each other, which to them, felt like they were together for only 30 minutes, in all reality, it was like 8 hours. That usually leads to Violet being extremely tired the next day or just sleeping in, like Monday, for instance. 

Violet woke up and checked the clock, freaking out. "school started like 10 minutes ago!" She shot up and when she made it to school, where she saw Julie and Flynn in the music room. Right as she got to the door, she heard,

"And my girls got a crush, and his name is Luke." 
"What? No, Luke's a ghost."
"a cute ghost."
"With a perfect smile."

Violets tired smile dropped and her feet took her to the nearest bathroom. When she left, she didn't realize she dropped her journal. 

Julie and Flynn looked up after hearing loud shuffling. They both looked at each other and walked over to the journal. It fell open on a page, it looked like to be a whole section of the journal as the pages are hooked together with a rubber band. The section titled,

"Don't let Luke see these songs." Julie sighed. "Crap, she ran off before I could say that I don't like him like that and that I.. I like Nick. Luke just helps me write songs. Plus, during the entire time we were writing, Luke would not stop talking about her." "Don't tell me, go tell her." Flynn points. Julie nods and runs off to the nearest bathroom, hearing small sniffles. 

"V?" the sniffles immediately stop. "V, I know you're in there." 

"Who's V?" Violet deepens her voice. "this is a girls bathroom Violet, why are you deepening your voice?" Julie asks, "Just open the door. Please."

The stall door opens and appears Violet with a slight pout on her lips and eyes puffy.

"I don't like Luke, I actually really like Nick." Julie explains. "oh, I'm sorry I over reacted and ran off..." Violet looks down. "it's fine, I would've done the same." Julie places a hand on her shoulder. "You dropped your journal." 

Violets head lifts up almost immediately. "you didn't...?"

"I saw the section, but I swear I won't tell." Julie swears. "it's fine. I can't believe I'm doing this, but as an apology, I'd like to show you one of my songs." Violet says.

"you're serious? You never show anyone your songs in your journal. I'm surprised Luke got to see them, he must mean a lot to you." Julie's shocked. "he does, I'm sure he means a lot to you as well. You guys write so well together. The songs are amazing." Violet replies. 

They walk back into the empty music room, the music room is always empty during 1st period. They get there and see Flynn waiting. As Julie closes the doors, Violet sits at the piano and turns to a page in her journal, titled 'Can't Get it Out.'

"Here is an original, called 'Can't Get it Out.'"


Been tryna tell you
But your ego's too loud
Been tryna find you
But you're stuck in the crowd
Been really trying for a while now
But I
I can't get it
I, I can't get it out

Oh every
Thought gets harder to say
When every single word
Gets washed away
By your ability to
Make it seem like
Life won't ever
Be a dream

Oh I've been trying
But I can't get it out
Oh I've been trying
But I can't get it out

Feel like we're closer
Then we're miles apart
Feel like we're dreaming
Then you shatter my heart
Feel like we're moving then we're back to the start

Oh I
I can't get it
I, I can't get it out
Oh every thought gets harder to say
When every single word gets washed away
By your ability to make it seem like
Life won't ever
Be a dream
Oh I've been trying but I can't get it out
Oh I've been trying but I can't get it out

Every time I feel I'm tumbling down
I fix myself
And get around
And every time
I wanna scream and shout
I feel I'm caught
And can't get out

Every thought
Get's harder to say
When every single word
Gets washed away
By your
Ability to make it seem like
Life won't ever
Be a dream
Oh I've been trying
But I can't get it out

Oh every thought gets harder to say
When every single word
Gets washed away
By your ability to
Make it seem like
Life won't ever
Be a dream

Oh I've been trying but I can't get it out

Oh I've been trying but I can't get it out 

Violet sighs and looks up at Julie and Flynn. "That was amazing. Is it about Luke?" Flynn asks making Violet nod. "you just post it on YouTube or something, I bet it will get a lot of views. It's very relatable." Julie nods.

"Speaking of views, guess who booked you guys a gig at dance tonight?!" Flynn smiles brightly. "me!" She pulls out a slip of paper with the words, "Julie, Violet, and their hologram band. Tonight at the Dance." Written on it. "And I'm DJ'ing too." 

"I posted it all over Social Media. You guys have an excellent marketing team." Flynn is proud of herself. "This is in front of the whole school." Julie lets out. Then, Flynn phone buzzes, "sorry, you already have 68 likes." 

All 3 walk out, "By the way, Luke so likes you back. Just, don't get hurt, okay?" Flynn says to Violet. 


"we're playing the school dance, sweet." Reggie looks at the paper. "It's not exactly the strip." Luke plays with his rings. "and you're not exactly alive, so maybe you should be happy we have our first gig." Reggie looks at him. "I wasn't exactly in love with the idea at first either but..." Julie motions Violet to continue, "It could be a great way for us to build a following, right?" "yeah, we need to play wherever we can, whenever we can." Reggie agrees. "No, you're right. Let's rock those kids faces off and then play the clubs." Luke gets fired up. "and then record a single that gets a billion streams?" Violet asks. "I don't know what that is, but hopefully it gets us a manager and a tour." Luke points at her. "Then we release a bunch of hit albums." Julie smiles. "Put out a country album that does surprisingly well." Reggie gets excited. Julie gives him a look, "I shred on Banjo, so..."  "Then I'll learn how to fiddle." Julie tells him. "and before you know it, we're being inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame." Luke smacks the piano. "yes!!" Violet agrees with him. "But one of us isn't there because we had a blow out in 2032. My money's on Alex, he's so sensitive." Reggie continues. 

"Well, what are we waiting for," Luke asks, "Let's get rehearsing!" "uhh... Where's Alex?" Julie asks. 

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