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Violet, Julie, Luke, and Reggie were all rehearsing, waiting for Alex to get back. Julie on the piano while Violet, Luke, and Reggie play the guitar. 

They finished right as Alex walked through the Studio doors. "Where've you been man? We need to start practicing." Luke asks. "For what?" Alex has his hands in his pockets. 

Just then, Flynn flings the door open, "Dance news! I don't have a date. But, I don't care because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform." 

"Oh, man! We're playing a dance?" Alex figures out. "Of course dude. That's how we get a following nowadays." Luke sits down. "Yeah, get with the program, Alex." Violet smiles, looking at Luke. "What? The guys are here?" Flynn tuts. "Hey guys" She waves to her right. "Other way sweetie." Julie laughs. 

"Okay, well now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?" Luke asks. "Yes! We're gonna rehearse, wanna stick around?" Julie asks Flynn. "I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better." Flynn smiles.

"Hey Julie, remember those orbs in Dads pictures?" Carlos walks through the open studio door. "I think they're ghosts." he walked through Alex. "But don't worry...." Violet walks forward to look at the picture with Julie. "This room is clean, I'm not getting the ghost tinglies." Carlos finishes. Violet laughs a little hearing Reggie say, "Wrong again, little dude."  "Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you, because I am the man of the house." Carlos points at Julie. "I thought Dad was the man of the house?" Julie asks. "There can be two." Carlos looks down a bit making the girls chuckle. "Dad needs all the help he can get, right? According to the internet, salt burns their souls out." Carlos brings out a salt container. Violets face drops. "A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here." he throws some at all the boys, successfully hitting Alex. "No! Oh, God. I'm..." Alex stops being overdramatic, "I'm fine." Violet lets out a huge breath. 

Julie clears her throat at Flynn, "oh! Carlos, you know who's hungry? Me, salt me a path to the kitchen?" Flynn more like demands.  

"Shall we try this again?" Julie asks. "Yes, please. But, remind us later. There's some Sunset Curve songs we want to show you." Luke stands up. "ohh. Show us  now." Violet smiles. Luke smirks knowing that he has already shown almost all of his songs to her. All, but one. He grabs his journal, "'Home is Where my Horse is?' Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal." He smashes the paper on the ground. "That was a gift." Reggie walks towards him. "Thanks buddy." Luke taps him with his journal before walking towards Violet and Julie. "I dog-eared the ones I think you two would slay." He handed them the journal.  

Julie stops at the page marked 'Unsaid Emily.' "Who's Emily?" she smirks. "That one's not dog-eared." Luke goes for the journal but Julie pulls it out of reach. "Julie, I don't think you should.." Violet tried to stop her. Sure, she was hurt that he didn't show her this song, but she knew just by the look on his face, it meant a lot to him. "'If you could only know that I'd never let you go.' Wow, Luke. I didn't know you were such a romantic." Julie looks up. "He's not. That one's actually about--" "no one. That's just something I tried, and... but if you go to the next dog-eared page, I got a tune that's just..." Luke cuts off Alex. "It's got a killer beat." He plays a guitar riff that Julie and Violet are just too fond of. 

"So, you wanna sample?" Violet asks. "What do you mean 'Sample'?" Luke's confused. "Sample someone else's music." Violet finishes. She knew some lyrics Luke showed her seemed familiar. "me and my mom used to sing that song at the top of our lungs in the car all the time. It's a classic Trevor Wilson song." Julie told the boys. "No, it's a classic our song." Luke grabs his journal. "Pure Sunset Curve. Never even heard of Trevor Wilson." Reggie states. "Maybe you're mixing it up, you know, with another song." Alex tries. "We don't mix up songs. Trust me." Violet scrunches her eyebrows, "Us and his daughter used to be best friends. We used to hang out at their place all the time, me more than her. We know that song." "ok.." Alex trails off. 

"Here, I'll prove it," Julie brings out her laptop, "His first album had a bunch of hits, but none of his latest stuff is as good." Alex hits Reggie. "That's Bobby." Luke states. "Seriously, she just told you his name is Trevor Wilson." Violet looks at the boys. "OK, great. Then... then he changed it, alright?  That's definitely Bobby, he was our rhythm guitarist." Alex stutters. "Trevor Wilson was in your band?" Julie scoffs. "I can't get over how old he looks." Reggie squints his eyes. "oh... he looks like a substitute teacher." Alex has a look of disgust on his face. "Violet, Julie, what were his other hits?" Luke asks. "Get lost." Violet lists. "Yeah, I wrote that." Luke takes off his guitar. "Long weekend?" Julie asks. "Yeah, Luke wrote that one too." Reggie says. "Crooked teeth?" Violet once again, lists. "And that, it was about Reggie." Alex tells them. "what? I thought it was about you." Reggie is flabbergasted, "I don't like that song anymore." he pouts. "wait, this is... kinda freaking me out. Trevor's are kind of big to me. He's the one that introduced me to Rock." Violet freaks. "yeah, Luke introduced you to Rock." Alex points. Luke throws darts at the dart board in frustration.

"So, this whole time, we thought you were connected through our moms. But, instead, you're connected through Carrie's dad?" Julie makes it clear. "out of people, it had it to be her." Violet scoffs. "alright, well, add it to our list of questions." Alex looks up. 

"Back when Carrie was friends with both, V and I, the four of us used to talk about music all the time. He never mentioned you guys." Julie points. "and that's unbelievable!" Luke throws a dart, "He can take all the credit and he doesn't even mention us?" 

"And he's rich. He has his own helicopter." Julie looks at the laptop. "'kay, Juls, I don't think this is about the money right now." Violet steps in. "he has... he has his own helicopter?" Alex stutters. "with his face on it." Julie continues. "And he parks it in front of that Hotel?" Reggie looks at the screen. "No, he gets to park it in front of his mansion." Julie deadpans. "mansion?" Reggie repeats. "Dude, we live in a garage." Alex looks at Luke. "it's not about the money, it's about the music!" Luke gets loud. "it's a little bit about the money though." Reggie says. "A little bit about the money." Alex's voice gets high. "He could've shared it with out families." Reggie points out, "maybe then my parents wouldn't have had their house turned into a bike shack." "J, he stole their legacy." Violet whispers while pouting at Julie. "What he did was steal our legacy." Luke tells the boys. 

"Where does he live?" Luke turns to the girls. "above the beach in Malibu." Julie tells them. "Juls, don't tell them." Violet tries. "Let's go teach him a lesson." Luke grabs his jacket. "Wait, what? Guys, we have to rehearse for the dance. This is our first gig!" Julie shouts. Luke stomps his foot as all the boys disappear. 

"great." Violet sighs. 

"OK, boys. Break time's over, okay?" Flynn rushes in the studio, "get to playing, mama needs her eye candy." "first of all, don't call yourself that, and second, they're gone." Violet looks at her.

"I think I just unleashed three angry ghosts on the world." Julie starts, "But, I think I know where they're going."  

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