Chapter 30

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"Calla! It doesn't take that long in the shower." I bang on the bathroom door impatiently.

"I'm a woman so fuck off!" She screams making my eyes widen.

"Alright, alright." I back away from the door with my hands up in surrender.

Shaking my head in confusion as I walk the down the stairs to see the boys gathered around the kitchen.

"Hey." Liam smiles.

"Hi." I say lowly.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I sigh, "It's Calla."

"What about her?"

"I don't know...She's acting very strange." I take a seat next to him.

"Well that's nothing new." Niall chuckles from the other side of the counter.

I glare at him and he clears his throat.

"I-I meant what are you saying Harry?" He says nervously.

"What I'm saying is that she's been acting a little short tempered and cold lately." Niall and Liam both share concerned looks.

"Is she on her period?" Niall asks.

"What? No! She's not her period you fucking idiot." I snap.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"Maybe she's in pain? People who are usually dealing with withdrawal can have mood swings." I shake my head.

"No, that can't be it. I'm pretty sure she would tell me if she was in any pain." I tell him.

"Well that's the most logical solution that I could think of." Liam shrugs.

"Wait. Didn't doctor whatever her name is say that Calla would have side effects?" Niall suggests.

"He's right, she did warn us about change in her behavior and it has been weeks." I nod.

"Yeah you're right. Okay when she gets down here I'm gonna break it to her and you guys are gonna guard the doors." They both give me a confused look.


"Because knowing Calla's wolf she doesn't like confrontation and I know she's bound to run off." They nod.

"Okay mate."

"Good. Now if anything goes wrong we might have to use the Elerix." I inform them and their eyes widen in fear.

"Harry you can't be serious! We can't use that on her." Liam objects.

"You swore to never use that again especially after what happened with-

"Don't fucking go there Niall! You know what she did was wrong." I growl.

"I know mate but Calla's different and I'm afraid if you do this to her...She might never forgive you." I look away from them.

They're wrong.

This needs to be done.

"Just be ready."



'You know the plan right?' The voice in my head asks.

"Yes I do." I tell her as I slipped the razor blade into my pocket.

'Excellent. Now if you screw this up then we'll never get what we want.'

"I w-won't mess it up." I whisper.

'Then go.'

I nod and walk out the room and down the stairs. When I reached the living room I was met with the boys and Harry who were giving me a uneasy look.

"Um...What's going on?"

"Sit down Calla." Harry says calmly.

I narrow my eyes before taking a seat next to him on the couch. Harry turns to me and grabs my hand.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I say.

"No, there is something you aren't telling me and I want to know what it is." His voice stern.

"There is nothing to tell Harry." A growl erupts from my throat making the boys jump slightly.

Harry sighs.

"Look Liam said-

"What did he tell you?!" I demand making his eyes widen.

"What? He just said that you may be suffering from side effects and that you could be in pain." He explains and my eyes turn to Liam.

"You know nothing about me you fucking asshole so I suggest you keep my name out your mouth!" I scream and Harry grabs my wrist harshly.

"What the hell has gotten into you?!" He gives me mad eyes.

"Not you so fuck off!" I try to escape his grip.

"Calla stop it now!" And I didn't even register what I did because the next thing I know my teeth sinks into his arm.

"FUCK!" He lets go of my wrist to tend to his wound.

"Are you okay?" The boys run to Harry's aid while I take a step back.

"I'm alright." He looks up at me with an hurt expression.

I hurt him.

'That's his fault for trying to get in our way now let's go!'

I nod as I make my way towards the door but before I could place my hand on the door knob Liam flashed in front of me.

"And where the hell do you think you're going?" He crosses his arms.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I grind out between my teeth.

"No Calla something is clearly wrong with you so you're not leaving this house." He says.

What am I going to do?

"Let me take over.'

A confused expression comes onto my face at her words but before I could question her I felt myself being engulfed in darkness. I couldn't even process my own actions as I raised my fist and punched Liam in the jaw. He cries out in pain before falling on the floor. The noise alerted the other boys who came running at me but the voice in my head was quick to make my body shift. Now in my wolf form I snapped at the boys who had fear and hurt in their eyes.

"Firecracker?" Niall looks at me with teary eyes. I stop my movements and stare at him.

'We can't hurt them.' I tell her.

'They betrayed us Calla! We cannot let them get in our way of glory.' I eternally sigh.

'C-Can we just go?' I look away from their eyes.

'Gladly.' We start to turn around.

"Baby?" A broken voice calls and I knew exactly who it belonged to.


I tilt my head just a little to see his face but I wish I hadn't. His expression was filled with pain.

"What are you doing love?" His voice cracks.

I shake my head and look away from him, no longer being able to see the sorrow in his green orbs.

"Go.' I say and with that we busted through the door and ran into the night.

I'm sorry Harry.

My legs pump faster.

I'm so fucking sorry.


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