Chapter 1

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"Come to daddy princess." I coo to Amelia who was starting to crawl. She looks at me and starts to giggle uncontrollably.

"What's so funny love?" I tease and walk over to pick her up. I place her on my hip and walk into the living room to see Gemma and Louis making out on the couch.

"What the hell?!" I shout and they both break apart. Louis wipes his mouth while Gemma fixes her hair.

"Hey Haz." Louis smiles nervously.

"I know I did not just see your tongue down my sister's throat." I growl and he rolls his eyes.

"We're mates Harry, we are going to make out." He points out and I sigh knowing that he was right.

"I know but it's just so weird seeing you two together." I say.

"Well get used to it brother." Gemma teases and I send her a glare.

"Whatever. Where's your Luna?" I ask them.

"She's at a meeting." Louis says and I nod. I completely forgot she has a meeting to discuss what to do about the water supply, it was nothing urgent we just needed to get more pipes.

"That totally slipped my mind." I say.

"Well it's a good thing that Liam's with her." Gemma states.

"Yeah." I agree.

Calla has really been taking her Luna duties seriously and it makes me so proud that she can stand on her own two feet without me babying her all the time which I didn't mind but sometimes she didn't need it.

It has been approximately 1 year since Amelia was born and life was great. She's started crawling and even has been able to get out of the crib by herself which was a problem because she tends to wander a lot. Calla has been doing good, physical and emotionally but her speech was still a issue but she will always have it. As for the boys they have all been productive around the pack...Except for Louis. He was well the same. Niall has even found his mate, her name is Skylar and she was a very sweet girl. A little on the shy side but that's how Calla was when we first met. She'll come around eventually. Liam has been spending a lot of time at the training facility trying to up the level up security for any future wars. And as for me I've been busy trying to track down Zayn.

He's been off the radar for months and it started to worry me. He could be planning something big and I wanted to know what it is. I spent most of my time cooped up in my office trying to find any possible leads about his whereabouts but came up short. Zayn was a master at staying hidden, hell he's done it for five years. He's smart and always covers his track so finding him will not be easy this time. I look at the clock and saw that it was ten minutes pass three which indicated that Calla wouldn't be back for at least another hour so that left me a little time to work. I walk into my office with Amelia still on my hip and closed the door. I sit her on her play mat.

"Sit here and play with your blocks baby while daddy works." I tell her and she just smiles. I take a seat in my chair and start my research. Knowing that he couldn't possibly be in human territory meant that he had to be in the forest.

But where?

Groaning in frustration I look over to Amelia who was playing with her blocks and smiled. She honestly was the cutest thing, her bright green eyes lit up the room, her infectious smile was contagious, her small teeth and her brown curly hair brought me joy. She really did look like me but she had Calla's smile and laugh.

Looking back at my papers I notice that there was a little piece of land at the edge of territory line that has been unmarked by my pen.

Why didn't I notice before?

Leaning in closer I see that it's surrounded by a small meadow and a few trees. Tilting my head I see that it wasn't around any other packs except...Mines.

Could this be his hiding spot?

Hearing the front door close I quickly stuff my papers in my drawer.

"Harry? I'm home!" Calla calls from the living room.

"In my office babe!" I call back and in came Calla and Liam.

"Hey darling, how was the meeting?" I ask her and she sighs.

"Long and exhausting." She frowns.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I say.

"That's okay because I'm back with my two favorite people." She smiles and looks down at Amelia.

"Hey!" Liam says offended.

"Okay three." She restates.

"That's better." Liam smiles.

"So what have you two been up to?" She picks up Amelia off the floor.

"Nothing just doing a little work." I look down at my desk.

"A little?" She points to the stacks of paper on my desk.

"Okay maybe more than a little." I smirk.

"What about?" She asks and my eyes widen.

"Uh nothing important just a little pack business." I play off and she nods her head slowly. I look at our the corner of my eye to see Liam looking at me suspiciously but I ignore it.

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to put her down for a nap and take me one as well." She laughs and heads out the door.

"Sweet dreams." I say. Once the door shuts I let out a breath of relief.

"What are you hiding?" Liam walks up to me.

"Nothing." I shrug.

"This," He points to the scattered pieces of paper on my desk, "Isn't nothing Harry." I sigh.

"Okay look. I've been trying to find any clues to where Zayn could be hiding." I explain and he groans.

"Seriously mate? You're still on this?" I look at him in disbelief.

"Yes I'm still on this Liam. This man kidnapped my mate and threatened my family, hell he tried to kill you for God sake!" I raise my voice.

"I understand but he's been off the radar for months, I'm pretty sure he's long gone by now." He says.

"I'm not letting my guard down, he could be out there right now plotting as we speak." I say.

"I think you're being too paranoid mate." I shake my head.

"I'm not fucking paranoid! This is fucking research!" I slam my hands on the papers.

"That proves nothing!" He fires back.

"It proves that you don't know where he is and that you don't know what he's planning or when he'll strike next." He growls.

"I know he's out there." I whisper.

"He might be mate but you have a baby and a mate to worry about right now, not this...Obsession." He says sincerely.

"Alright." I say in defeat.

"Promise me you'll let it go?" He places a hand on my shoulder. I nod reluctantly.

"Okay." I smile a bit.

"Thanks mate. Now come on, the boys are here and Gemma mad pizza.o" He announces and walks out the door.

"I'll be right there!" I call out. Opening the drawer I take out the paper which could possibly be the location of Zayn's hideout and place it in my pocket.

"I'm sorry mate but I can't let this go." I whisper. I'm not going to let him hurt my family. Not again.

Zayn Malik, I'm coming for you.


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