Dollface Origin- Pt. 6

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15 Years later in the date of February 2nd, 2015. Everyone in this town of Salem, has gone bleaker and bleaker as it goes on, the Blood family moved away from their own state to a different state of Arizona, due to bankruptcy and losing their own jobs, but as for her own father Clyde Blood. He didn't move away and he has an unfinished business to settle with, he maybe lost his wife, youngest, and oldest daughter to different deaths occurred.
And Clyde knew that he's trying to avenged his wife, youngest, and oldest daughter by breaking into Brandy's mansion, also the worst part is that he's attempting to kill her on a spot, and demanding some answers from her by pointing a gun at her after shooting both of her bodyguards in their heads.
Taking things to an extreme measures.

Clyde (June's Father): "You better tell me what happened to my oldest daughter right now!" He yelled in upsetting tone, pointing held to his gunpoint at her.
Brandy (35 Year old): "Mr. Blood! You need to calm down!" She told her in calm tone, trying to be reasonable.
Clyde (June's Father): "NO! You need to tell me! What happened to my daughter?!.........TELL ME!!" He yelled at her, being demanding towards her.
Brandy (35 Year old): "L-Look... I don't even know what happened to her..." She stuttered with a little afraid.
Clyde (June's Father): "You know what I'm talking about! My oldest daughter?! Juniper Blood?!" He questioned her without hesitation.
Brandy (35 Year old): "Oh......... Her?......... I'd rather not tell you of what happened, and your not gonna be happy with this." She said to him with a frown.
Clyde (June's Father): "Just get on with it!" He yelled at her impatient.
Brandy (35 Year old): She took a deep breath as she's about to tell him a shocking truth "Mr. Blood... The truth is that I killed your daughter, the reason behind it all is when I find out about her since 15 years ago...... I'm starting to think that your daughter is the real culprit behind it all, for the second degree murder...... She killed both Sampson siblings, her biggest fan Camron, and my step-mom..." She told him in disgusted expression.
Clyde (June's Father): His expression faded to a major shocker to biggest disappointment "How can I explain this?...... And why did you do that to my child?! And furthermore, why would she do this?!" He cried.
Brandy (35 Year old): "Speak for yourself, Mr. Blood! How could you be so blind by your own personal flaws that you falsely accuse a poor new preacher?! It's your own damn fault that you're allowing someone to manipulate you like that! It's bad enough that this is gone to shit, because of anyone is going on a protest about both tax payment and going on a riot, all because of this stupid prediction! Maybe it is just a hocus pocus for a little scare...... Since I can't have your daughter arrested, you're gonna have to take your daughter's place........." She explained to him.
Clyde (June's Father): "W-why?" He asked as he's being handcuffed by two cops.
Brandy (35 Years old): "It's for your own good..." She answered to him with a frown.

The two cops took Clyde away by escorting him out of Brandy's mansion, having him under arrest for shooting two bodyguards with his gun.
Lucas was there the whole time of what the commotion is going on between the two, as he step aside by confronting her of what's going on. She told him that its none of his business to know about it, and call it by dying down over a specific lies and rumors, he insisted by having a conversation with her since she had enough stress of what's going on in this town over June's mysterious deaths or disappearance.
From crime activity to couple of people protesting, and started a riot as couple of cops have them arrested for causing more property damage. Lucas suggested that his personal plan is that he wanted to set things right, by bringing her back into this world.
Putting a blame on himself for not being there for June, and failed for saving her from her death, too busy socializing with the other crowds and not paying attention.
Brandy cut off for mentioning over his dead friend's name, telling him that he shouldn't play god, and knowing that this is a very bad idea.

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