Dollface Origin- Pt. 4

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After results coming in from the hospital for all it took after healing June, Callie explained Clyde about her skin condition from the cleaning product that can cause enough damage to her skin, by having chemical burn from her right side of her face and her right arm. She told June that your hair itself is just fine from the color dye, but her skin itself is quite damage, and she remind her of using home remedies to get rid of the chemical burns for about 10 days until her skin is repaired.

If the remedies doesn't work, then she'll get a contact with them just in case if things didn't work out how it should.
June agreed with Callie from the start for the help, even Callie is happy for the fact that she is dating June's ex-boyfriend Dylan, but June doesn't like bringing the whole thing up about what happened at the prom. She gave her a pat on Callie's back and congratulate them for deserve for each other, even it makes her hating him on the inside but still supporting her now. Now that she is still in a relationship with Lewis.
When they're about to leave, a doctor stopped them from leaving and making them sit down to get a quick check of what it is that is located from the back of June's neck, witnessing that there is a bite mark. He made many questions about her bite mark that lead into some serious problems in her life, checking through a document of what type of disease she ever had that is remain unknown. He had a shocking discovery of what type of disease she has and it was called "Monochrosis", it is a rare disease that can make her blood color change from crimson red to a black tar.
Manage to have minor signs like the pigment color fade into very dull and skin peeling, but two fatal signs itself is the exposure of razor sharp teeth, and irrational thinking.

Luckily, it wasn't an average rabies from a different animal but her father assumed that it's got to do with the rabies and he wanted to get a quick DNA blood sample on his daughter to see if this type of disease is real, Lewis on the other hand disagree with Clyde over a blood sample because he thinks it wasn't necessary to have her getting a blood sample in check.
What is more secret about is that he look like he doesn't really want to be exposed to it for the things he did, the doctor understand the fact that he isn't allowing them to do that assuming if June was a virgin.
Clyde doesn't approve over her doctor making questions like that, and storm himself out of the hospital along with his oldest daughter with no bill to pay.

June and the three boys left the hospital on their way back to her apartment room right after he took her to the store to buy, couple of townsfolk wandering and wandering of what just happened at the church, given a scared and weird look on their faces at the same time, by thinking she is a real life witch like her mother. Her father saw couple of people swarming them and taking pictures of June, Lewis, and Lucas like one of those paparazzi from California, Clyde finally bought couple of products for his daughter to use and telling them its none of anyone's concerned and give her some space.

Back at her apartment room 24 with couple of products her father buy for her, she thanked her father for buying the products and gave him a hug. She turned to look at the two and gave both of them a well deserve hug.

Lucas get a confused expression, by asking her a question of why are you giving me a hug like that and are you still angry about it? June answered to her friend that she isn't angry about it and she could've just told him to watch yourself, he knew who's behind it all by making few other guesses that it was her rival Brandy the whole time.

Making an ugly plans to make sure that her reputation is ruined in spite of her jealousy grew vigorous over June's popularity over getting music sponsors, she knew that her rival isn't going to let it ruined her reputation easily can it? But for right now, she said goodbye to the three as she went into her apartment room 24 and closing the door behind her, along with her products for making home remedies for her own skin, hoping lies and rumors to die off soon.

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