Dollface Origin- Pt. 5

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Here in her apartment room 24, June got herself dressed by throw some oversized black T-shirt for her to wear as her pajamas. She'll plan on getting rid of that monochrome clown doll look-alike and the Jack-In-The-box later, she just had a hard time sleeping because of the same clown named Laughing Jack kept tormenting her to no bitter end, since the day before her schedule to psychologist office, so for now she wanted to take a nice nap at her bedroom underneath her bed sheets by going into her own bedroom, and sleep on top of her bed.
Always having a constant feeling that she didn't mean to give her father a major panic of his lifetime, being told specifically to forget about it, because of the incident were he is trying to kidnap her when she is 11 year old. She finally drift herself to sleep by getting a comfortable position to lay down in her covers, it didn't last long when she felt something touching her waist by rubbing where it supposed to be, trailing her body up and down.

June squirmed in uncomfortable feeling that she's being touched by someone again, the feeling that is out of place. Feeling a rub from her waist to the bottom where it doesn't belong, making her jolted away from where it is, but all of the sudden... No one is there, just no one... But all she ever found is a monochrome clown doll that's been sitting the foot on top of her dresser, she get a glare look to an irritated expression on her face as she get out of her bed, picked up a clown doll. Leaving her room and headed towards her kitchen to reach out her trash can, by disposing a Laughing Jack doll into her trash can as she felt something pressuring coming from her right wrist, unable to threw her doll away, nor letting her getting rid of it. She tried to pull herself away from the force but having a constant tight grip.
Someone or something isn't allowing June to throw her doll away, until she saw a string pulling from a doll's back and releasing a string on their own, trying to communicate with her as the string began to drew back.

LJ Doll: "Why do you want to get rid of me?" A doll asked her question.
June: She had a nervous look on her face of what the doll just said "I-It's just that Dr. Edith told me to get rid of you...... Then again, I don't talk to dolls..." She answered.
LJ Doll: A string being pulled again and drew back "Whats wrong about dolls? Do you like dolls?" A doll asked her question specifically.
June: "It's just that I'm too old for dolls... I'm not even 6 year old, nor an 8 year old..." She replied with an irritated tone.
LJ Doll: A string pulled for the third time, and this time in macabre voice "You're not too old for dolls, girly... Your not too old for being my favorite..." A doll replied to her.
June: Gulped nervously "Favorite?... What do you mean favorite?..." She questioned to a doll.
LJ Doll: A string being pulled one last time "My Favorite...... My favorite little doll..." A doll answer to her in raspy voice.

June had a bone chilling moment of what that doll just said as she finally pull herself away in full force, almost stumbling from empty beer bottles scattered all around her kitchen floor, and giving herself a balance by standing on two feet except dropping her doll down to the floor. Her personal agenda is to keep herself together without losing her cool, no matter how angry she could take or anything that creeped her out to the max, nothing can stop her now for dealing with it from being cooped up still at her own apartment.

After 12:30PM, June is checking the news to see what's going on by turning her TV on and watching through it in her living room. A news reporter is talking about her rival Brandy winning a Mayor election for gaining popularity and claiming her a big winner, a news reporter asking Brandy a question of what her personal thoughts about what she'll do next. Her rival answered her question about how her supporters get all the help in need with a little lying smirk, lying about how June would manage to give her fans a better support.

Juniper grew jealous that Brandy took a big win for having more fans than herself alone, making herself more pissed off on the inside as part of her chest that's closely spreading like wildfire. This isn't what she had in her own mind about giving her popularity to Brandy, by thinking that she's just lying, a total big liar. She stopped herself from being jealous after her black spot from her chest stopped spreading as she turned off her TV, feeling more and more negative on the inside as her dark energy flow through her, by causing more vine thorns to spread around the room from her shadows in different location.
June turn around to see there is a piece of note from her door after she walk towards it to pick it up, the note is from her boss earlier about her boss's game, explaining all about it.

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