Chapter Seven

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Ellie's POV

All I feel is electricity rush through my body as soon as I kiss Jayden. I don't even know why I kissed him, I knew I shouldn't but it's like my brain couldn't stop by body from lunging to him and pulling him deeper into the kiss. I feel his hands grip to my waist and pull me closer, It was eager and full of emotions I couldn't quite pinpoint, but all to soon I force myself to pull away, both of us breathing heavy. Even in the pitch black, I can see his blue eyes staring at me so intensely, I am convinced he can hear my thoughts.

"I...uh...should go" I manage to giggle out, I am usually not this nervous but something about Jayden not taking his eyes off of me since I pulled away is making me dizzy,

"Are you sure? Do you want me to walk you home?" He says still looking utterly confused.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I manage to choke out, "I'll see you soon, Jay"

I quickly turn around and rush off into the darkness, as soon as I get to the end of the street, I slow my pace.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, kissing the new kid, nice job El, I keep mumbling to myself the rest of the walk home, ignoring the heat I still feel on my lips.

"You kissed who?" a low voice says, making me jump and let a small shriek out. My hand immediately rubs my pocket knife I've been holding in my hoodie. For as much as I go running alone, I typically always carry a knife on me. I've never had to use it before and I'm hoping tonight isn't going to be the first. As I try and make sense of what my flight or fight instincts are telling me, Stephen emerges from the darkness making me wish my flight instincts would have won.

"What the hell are you doing here, Stephen?" I hiss.

"I came to see you when the geek squad wasn't around and it looks like it's a good thing I did, since I don't think I would have found out about this kiss if I wasn't here" He says stepping closer to me. I should be scared, but Stephen has already done the worst to me and all his attempts at trying to talk to me are just making me angrier.

"The geek squad as in your teammates? Got it. I'll make sure they hear that new fun little nickname you've given them" I mutter annoyed.

In one swift action, Stephen hands are gripped on both of my shoulders as his dark grey eyes trail my body like I am a piece of meat. "That mouth of yours has always gotten you in trouble, Ellie" his words send a cold shiver down my spine and I brace my body for impact except he does so much worse. He pulls me in and kisses me forcing his tongue into my mouth, it taste like stale beer and fries. My eyes swell with tears as I try and wiggle away and realize there's no use. His grip has now moved to my hips keeping me forced in place, all the heat of Jayden's kiss disappears which only makes my eyes fill more with tears. 

"Stephen!" I manage to get my hands on his hard chest and I push him away, "Stop! What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"We're getting back together, Ellie" is all he responds as I look at him mortified.

"In your dreams, Stephen, I will never make the mistake of dating you again"

A devilish grin appears on his face, like he was hoping I would say that and I just fell into his trap.

"Ellie, you are my girlfriend and if you want to keep pretending your not, I can make things...difficult"

"What could be more difficult than dating you?" I snap back without hesitation.

"You know, If I am heartbroken and start not playing well, how will that go for your dad? The boosters are getting antsy about us bringing home a trophy this year, I would hate for your dad to be replaced as a coach if their best player starts losing motivation?" he says smoothly making sure not to take his eyes off of me before he continues, "Or what about this new kid you made the mistake of kissing? Practice can get rough, remember what happened to Dylan a couple year back? Would hate for the same thing to happen to...oh, what's his name? Kay?"

My memory flashes back to a couple of years ago, at the time Dylan was an all-star centerman but when a practice went bad and Dylan was checked wrong, he tore his ACL and twisted his spine so severely it ended his hockey career just as it was beginning. He ended up getting addicted to painkillers and overdosed a year later. It rocked our small town, especially my dad. 

"You're blackmailing me? Seriously? What about your new girlfriend? Why can't you just leave me alone? This..." I say waving my hand between the two of us "isn't healthy"

"I don't love her, Ellie. I love know where we stand, come to practice tomorrow and make it clear to your buddies and the new kid we are together or things are just going to get worse"

He pulls me in and I bounce off of his chest, all I can do is glare at him. What do I do? I can't risk my dad losing his job or Jayden getting hurt, he didn't do anything to deserve this and my dad will end up blaming me for starting drama with his players.

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful" he whispers in me ear and pushes me away as he heads to his car parked at the end of the street.

I sneak back into my house and sob until I fall asleep. 

Moving to Baysdale (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon