Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade

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"I am sorry that I have gathered you all here, but Professor Lupin and Mr. Filch have agreed to stay here tomorrow with the children. Is there anyone else who would like to volunteer?" Dumbledore asked and his eyes finally met Severus and Rowan. He smiled knowingly and nodded. "That will be all, then. Professors, let me remind you of how this works. You will all meet with your respective houses. Rowan, you will meet with the Slytherins as you are one," Dumbledore explained. The professors nodded knowingly and Dumbledore dismissed them. Severus still clung to Rowan's hand as all the Professor's filed out.

Rowan's heart sank a little. Was he only holding her hand to make Lockhart jealous?  "Severus, I don't want to be part of whatever game you have going on with Gilderoy," Rowan said as she pulled her hand out of his grip, they still walked together toward the dungeons. "Rowan, I assure you the displays of my affection have nothing to do with him," He replied, though he didn't retake her hand into his. "I'm sorry, I just assumed since Lockhart looked so angry that it was why you didn't let go as usual," Rowan apologized, her head dropping to look at the floor. They had reached their offices and it was time to go their separate ways. "I will see you tomorrow morning, Rowan," Severus said and she nodded and retired to her own room. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Shit! Shit!"  Rowan exclaimed as she quickly threw on a thin green jumper and some black skinny jeans. She had overslept and would have to run to catch up now. She quickly grabbed her wand and began to bolt toward the entrance to the courtyard. 

"There she is! Alright, everyone. Get into your carriages," McGonagall exclaimed as the last of the students packed into the carriages. McGonagall smiled as a greeting to Rowan and she motioned to what seemed to be an empty carriage. When Rowan climbed in, however, she was greeted by the handsome potions professor. 

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," He said as the carriages began moving. Rowan, who was out of breath, shook her head. "Slept..late!" She said, leaning her head against the seats. "I can only assume that is why you are only wearing a long-sleeved shirt," Severus chuckled. Rowan had just now noticed that he had been wearing a heavy coat and scarf. Panicked, Rowan looked outside her window and saw inches of snow covering the ground. 

"Fuck!" Rowan exclaimed, facepalming. "I am going to freeze," Rowan groaned, annoyed at how her morning was starting. "Not as long as I can help it," Severus said as he removed his coat and placed it beside Rowan. "Oh, Severus. I can't! What about you?" Rowan said as she hesitantly placed the coat around her shoulders. "I will be just fine," He replied. "It looks better on you anyway," He mumbled and Rowan smiled at his words. 

After a few more minutes, they had arrived at Hogsmeade. They stepped outside of their carriage and were met with many young Slytherin faces. "Go! Have fun!" Rowan exclaimed to all of them as she pulled Severus' coat tighter around her. The students dispersed in various directions, causing Rowan to giggle. "Come on, then," Severus said as he walked into the Three Broomsticks Inn. 

"Rowan! Over here!" She heard Juniper call out. "Would you like me to order some butterbeer for us?" Severus asked and she nodded. Flashing Severus a smile, she went to join her friends at the table.

"You got him to come!" Millicent exclaimed and nodded to the approaching potions professor. "I didn't get him to come-" Rowan began before she was interrupted by Severus setting two tall glasses of butterbeer on the table before he sat beside her. "I asked her here," He explained and Rowan watched as her trio of friends all sat, jaws on the floor. "So, Rowan. Are you coming to the manor for Christmas?" Blaise asked, and Juniper chimed in. 

"No! You have had her for the last year! She will be staying at my house!" She exclaimed in a matter-of-fact voice. Rowan sighed loudly. This was the argument for as long as she had been part of this friend group. "Why can't she come to my house?" Millicent inquired loudly. 

Love and Potions - Severus Snape x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن