∆Gone, But here.∆

917 31 11

A/N: Includes death, and mentions of suicide also, A LOT of crying.

Shoto sat down on his bed, well, the hotel's bed. He was out for work and decided to message Katsuki. Ever since they arrested his mother for drug use and abuse. Katsuki hasn't been really himself, well, the facade he put up was gone so technically he was himself. Shoto had just turned thirty five not too long ago, he was the number two hero and Katsuki was number three, with Midoriya as number one.

🌸Short Baby🌸 & ♥Lover Boy♥

Hey Kat, I just got back to the hotel, did you eat yet?

The boy stared at his phone, waiting for an answer. An hour after he finished up some paper work he checked it again. The hell is going on? He stood up and clicked on Katsuki's contact, panic rushing through his body.




"This Is Katsuki Bakugou! Sorry I can't come to the phone right now! Call back later or call Shoto Todoroki! Bye!"

He put the phone down and ended it. "Damn it, what's going on?" as soon as the words left his mouth his phone began to ring, he quickly answered the call. "Katsuki?"

"Shoto? Is that you?"

"Oh! Mister Bakugou, yeah it's me. Hey, I'm sorry to ask this but uhm, has Katsuki called you or anything?"

"No, that's why I called you. He hasn't answered my texts or calls."

Shoto's breath seemed to, stop. His eyes widened and he started to panic even more.

"I called Aizawa. He and Enji are going to check on him, hopefully he just fell asleep."

"I'm sure he did. I'll be there in about an hour or two, can you keep me updated in case?"

"Yeah I can do that. Talk to you later kid."

"Thank you and as well as you sir."

After he hung up, the boy grabbed his shoes and put them on quickly, making sure to take his wallet and keys he ran out of the small room. Getting to his car quickly and starting it up, the highway was clear, due to it being late at night, so he could get to Tokyo quickly and to UA quicker. Katsuki decided to take a job as a teacher there for 1-A and he's stayed at the teacher's dorms.

A ringing phone broke his thoughts. He grabbed the phone to see that it was his father, he answered it and kept his eyes in the road. "Hey, is everything alright?" the boy heard a sigh on the other end.

"I'm so sorry Shoto."

"For what?"

"Katsuki he..I'm sorry son. He killed himself."

It was like his world had stopped spinning. He knew it was a horrible idea to leave who he loves. He was gone for a week, he left Katsuki for s week. "DAMN IT!" he yelled as tears ran down his face. His phone had fell to the floor and he put his phone on the gas pedal, trying to speed up to get there quicker.

"This..this is my fault." he mumbled between sobs.

A week had gone by since Katsuki's death. A week of tears, a week of no heros, no villains, no smiles or laughs, no hero or those in training wanted to say or do anything. His death was suicide, he hung himself in his room, nothing was there except for the ring that Shoto gave him for their wedding. Shoto took over Katsuki's job and, at the moment, he was sitting in the dorms with the teenagers, no one said a word.

A child with yellow and black hair looked at him, it was a half and half type, like Shoto's. "Sir," he took a breath. "I know that everyone is having a hard time but..this shouldn't stop us." everyone looked at the boy.

"Be quiet Kaminari." another boy said, short purple hair and a glare on his face.

"I'm serious! Mister M. hasn't even said anything!"

"That's because it was his kid!"

"I know that! But listen!" the other quieted down and let him talk. "If this was another hero like..Deku or Red Riot, he'd say something like, 'Fate comes in different ways, weather it be through death, life or love. We should never let it stop us'."

"'If it's death, we share our tears and we move on. We know they are not gone forever'." Shoto turned his head to a kid with purple hair. Another kid spoke up, her hair was red, like Eijirou's.

"'If it's life, we should celebrate what has been given to us, not what has been taken. If we smile, we move'." Shoto felt tears coming to his eyes, a hand was on his shoulder and he looked to see Enji.

"'If it's love, cherish it. It may not last forever but it will last, through life and through death. No matter where your love is, they are there'." the group of kids and two adults all had tears in their eyes. Shoto wiped his face.

"I feel like he's actually said that." A laugh, with a little sob, came from his mouth. The group all laughed and nodded as they wiped their faces. They were right, he's gone but he's still there, he won't leave Shoto and when it's his time, he'll join with the one that he loves the most. The ring on his finger, will stay around his neck for as long as he lives. If he moves on, he'll keep it, not wanting to forget who made him, him.

"I love you Katsuki Bakugou."

Hello everyone!!

Ahahahahaha, not the best. I know, I'm sorry. (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸

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