|Little Sho|

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A/N: This WILL involve Little Space! If you do NOT like it and or take Little Space as a K!nk, please do leave this chapter/book and WAIT for the next oneshot! I do NOT like people thinking disturbing thoughts about something that people use as a coping mechanism.


Shoto has never told anyone about many of his secrets. Sure, they know about how horrible his home life was, they know he's antisocial and doesn't really like to talk to many people. What they do not know is that when he's stressed, he tends to act different. Today just so happened to be one of those days.

It was his day to wash the dishes, he didn't protest but he was annoyed. He was already getting to his breaking point because Mic had given them extra English homework and he wasn't even focused in class, There was a butterfly at the window..why did I have to get distracted?! He groaned and stomped his way down the stairs.

Denki was the first to see Shoto, so he smiled and waved at him. "Sup Todobro!" Shoto rolled his eyes and kept his way to the kitchen. Denki rose an eyebrow in confusion as Sero came up beside him.

"What's up with him?"

"Don't know."

"Oh well, wanna play Mario Kart?"


Unfortunately, Denki wasn't the only one who had noticed how strange the other was acting. Midoriya and Katsuki also seen it, they were talking about hero costumes when Midoriya saw the other walk past. "Oh! Hello Todoroki!" The boy only received a small ‘hey’ as the taller stomped off. "Eh??"

"The hell is up with him?" Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure.."

"Dude," The two turned around to see Denki with a controller and a frown. "He did that to me as well. I'm not sure what's going on but he started acting like this when Kiri told him he had to wash the dishes. Kiri also said that he already looked annoyed when he opened the door." After Denki explained Midoriya frowned lightly and Katsuki squinted his eyes.

"I'll go check on him." The blond spoke as he stood up and put on his house shoes, ones that everyone received at the beginning of first year. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw that Shoto was in the corner by the fridge.

The hell? Katsuki made his way over to the other and crouched down. "Hey, you alright?" He spoke softly, he remembered what Aizawa said, “Remember, if someone, weather they be a child, adult or elderly, you want to approach them and speak softly. Speaking loud or harsh will make the situation worse.”

Shoto was quiet for a moment before speaking. "Ion wanna bwoo bishesh." Katsuki blinked rapidly. Fuck! Aizawa didn't teach us this?? What do I do?! Why is he talking like that?? As he was freaking out, Midoriya was watching. He sighed softly and walked in.

"Kacchan." He whispered, making the other jump. "I think Todo may be a Little." Midoriya crouched down beside Katsuki. The blond sighed.

"Alright, how do we fix this? I mean, before anyone else sees him like this? Something is telling me that he doesn't want anyone to see him this way."

"Hm, oh! Let's ask him some questions, quickly, so we can see what we can do, how does that sound?" Katsuki nodded and sat on the floor completely, along with Midoriya.

"Hey," The male spoke softly. "Shoto, can you answer some questions for us?" Shoto looked up at the sound of his name, seeing the blond, his eyes widened slightly. The boy nodded slowly and Katsuki smiled.

"Alright Shoto, how old are you?" Midoriya asked the other. Shoto's eyes squinted and his nose scrunched up slightly, as if he was thinking. After a moment, he put up three fingers. Midoriya smiled. "Good! So you're three, correct?" Shoto nodded slowly. Katsuki was watching, not wanting to say anything yet when an idea came to his mind.

"Sho, what's your favorite color?" Midoriya turned to Katsuki, confusion on his face. While Midoriya stared at him Katsuki waited for the other to answer. A smile came to Shoto's face.

"Hmm..I wike bweu!"

"Really? Me too, it's a very pretty color, don't you agree?" Shoto nodded quickly, coming out of his little corner and getting closer to the others. Katsuki kept asking the other questions, making sure to keep then simple, like, favorite color or favorite food. After about thirty minutes they decided to take the boy upstairs, unfortunately they had to think of how.

"Well, I'm taller than him, maybe I could take him upstairs." Midoriya spoke up, Katsuki shook his head.

"Hold on." He turned to the boy, who was playing with his white shirt. "Hey Sho, can you walk? We're gonna go upstairs and..uhm, watch Frozen!" Shoto's eyes widened.

"Yesh! I cwan walk!" The boy stood up and put his hands on his hips with a big smile. Katsuki gasped.

"Oh my gosh! You can! That's amazing! Good job Shoto!" Midoriya watched the scene unfold and smiled. Wow, Kacchan really is good at this. The two stood up and walked to the elevator, Shoto and Katsuki walked hand in hand, because the other refused to let go of the blond. Some of the students in the common room saw and smiled, some thinking Finally and others just thinking it's cute.

Once they got to the elevator Katsuki kept asking questions and talking to the other. Midoriya tried to keep his smile away but seeing and hearing what the two was doing was too much even for him.

When they entered the dorm Shoto went to the bed and started to jump on it. "Frozwen Frozwen Frozwen Frozwen Frozwen!!" he giggled, jumping up and down on the bed. Katsuki covered his mouth while Midoriya rolled his eyes and turned on the tv.

"Alright, Sho, sit down." When he didn't listen to Midoriya, Katsuki decided to step up.

"Shoto Todoroki, if you do not sit down" The male paused as if thinking, a grin came to his face. "Then you're not getting to watch Frozen and you'll be taking a nap." Shoto immediately stopped and sat on the bed. "Good." He said patting the other on the head.

"Shoto, do you have anything that we need to get you?" The other nodded and jumped off his bed, going under it and grabbing a box. It was brown but had Frozen and Hello Kitty stickers littering it. The boy handed it to the blond and smiled as he took it. Katsuki opened it and smiled.

"Alright, let's get you changed first, yeah?" Midoriya went to the closet, after hearing that, and grabbed a light blue onsie (a/n: can't spell!) and walked over to the boys. Katsuki took off Shoto's shirt, it went over his head and messed up his hair, Shoto blew a raspberry and shook his head, giggling slightly.

"Crap, ok, Sho, do you need a diap—"

"No!" Shoto yelped. The two others looked at each other and then back at the shirtless boy. Katsuki smiled and nodded.

"Alright, let's get your pants off, after this we'll watch Frozen." Shoto nodded and Katsuki helped get his pants off. After that, they put on the cute outfit and all sat on the bed.

Katsuki gave the boy his pacifier, which was a light blue with a butterfly in the center. Midoriya put on the movie and they all sat there and watched, when the Let It Go song was over Midoriya turned to see that the two boys were asleep, Shoto still had the pacifier in his mouth but was leaning on Katsuki's chest, the blond had an arm around the boy and soft snores could be heard.

The green haired boy smiled and turned off the tv, leaving the room. He turned off the lights, took a picture, for blackmail purposes, and closed the door.

Kacchan's gonna kill me. But, they're so cute.

Hello everyone!!

So, here's a thing, it's hard to write when you start to slip— I need to figure out how to deal with that.

But anyway, what did you all think?? I never thought of Little Space! Shoto until now, that and, I have the same problems when it comes to certain things. :)

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸

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