❃I'm Sorry❃

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TW//: I'd be sorry, but that'd be a stretch, yeah?

It was one hell of a night for Katsuki Bakugou. First, he witnessed both of his parents fight, physically, then his boyfriend ignores him, his best-friend gets with his ex-crush and now he finds out his parents were planning to get a divorce. A sigh left his lips. He turned seventeen about a week ago when his dad called him and told him what was happening, he hung up. He was so out of it, he didn't have the right response for the man at the moment. His mind was more set on, his boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, who was ignoring him. The blond sat up on his bed quickly, his eyes closed and a frown on his lips.

It's been five hours...I need attention. Katsuki stood up, sliding his grey house shoes on, and headed for his dorm door, that is, before his phone rang. The boy sighed, again, and stalked back to his bed side, he grabbed the phone from his desk and looked at the caller ID, Bird-For-Brains, the boy raised an eyebrow and answered the phone.


“Is this Katsuki Bakugou?”

"No, this is McDonalds', how may I take your order?"

“Aight, sheesh, fine. Asshole.”

"Look, you called me, what'da want?"

“Just seein if ya heard from Tiny Todo lately, Endeavor-San and him had a fight about somethin, not sure what, and we're out lookin for' im.”

"Huh, no. I thought he was at the dorms?"

“I dunno man. Check and send me a message if he is or isn't. I'll call ya if we find' im.”

"Yeah, ok. See ya."

“Bye kid.”

After the two blonds hung up, Katsuki stared at his phone. He knows about Shoto stressing out a lot since they became second years. The boy's mind suddenly went to a very dark place. He threw his phone on the bed and ran out of the room, he dashed down the hallway and began to bang on the duel haired boy's dorm door, causing Eijirou and Denki to leave Midoriya's dorm to see what the noise was about. "Shoto! Open the damn door!"

"Dude? What's with the yelling?" Denki questioned the boy, Katsuki looked at him and then back to the door. He kicked the door down and ran into the room, Denki, Eijirou and Midoriya behind him. "Bakugou?! What the fuck?!" the blond boy yelled at the other.

"Shut the fuck," he stopped speaking, his breath catching in his throat. The ruby red eyes growing wide at the sight of his boyfriend handing from the ceiling. "up.." he looked around the room, trying to find something to cut the boy down. He turned to Eijirou, who was covering a crying Midoriya's eyes, and yelled at him. "Cut him down damn it!!" tears streamed down his face, along with his friends, as the red head ran over and got the boy down. As soon as he was down, the rope away from his neck, they did everything they could to get him to breathe again.

"Bakugou, I'm sorry, he's not going to wake up." Eijirou mumbled out. Midoriya was crying his eyes out as he and Denki were in the common room letting their teacher know of the situation. Katsuki, Katsuki cried his eyes out for the rest of the day. He didn't know what to do, what to say, this wasn't fair. He wanted his lover back. Why did this have to happen?!


One Week Later

Masaru frowned as he watched his son pick up and fold the clothes of his lost loved one. He hated seeing his son this way. Eijirou told him that the boy wasn't talking, eating, sleeping or even leaving his room to train with them, even Aizawa was getting worried about the boy. That's a given though, he cares for the kids and what happened to Shoto, broke him as well as most of the faculty. After the funeral, Katsuki distanced himself from everyone more than he already did. The brunette couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and took the white shirt from the blond boy. "The hell-"

"Hush!" Masaru spoke up, he wanted Katsuki to listen to him. The boy stared at him, the man took a breath before putting the shirt down. "Katsuki, I know you love him, but baby, he's not coming back." tears began to stream down Katsuki's face, Masaru tried to keep his own composer, talking about Shoto was a sensitive topic for everyone, but it needed to be done sooner rather than later. "Listen, no matter where he is at, here next to you and giving you love, you know he's still here, do you understand me? I want you to still remember him, remember who he was for you and everyone else, but hunny, you need to stop this. You're hurting yourself more and worrying us all, please, just take a breather for me and talk to me."

Katsuki nodded at his father and wiped his tears. The two shared a well deserved hug and finished cleaning up the dorm room. After Masaru left, getting Enji and Natsou to help him with the boxes, Katsuki took one last look at the room. His eyes fell on a piece of paper that was sticking out from under the clean bed, he knelt down and took it out from under the bed. He sat down on the bed and looked at the front of it; ‘For Katsuki Bakugou’. He turned it over and opened it, curiosity taking over. Once it was open, he began to read.

‘Dear Katsuki,

I'm not really good at these, and you probably already know that, but I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate you and how sorry I am for what has happened. I know that this is something you didn't see coming or even want, but it happened. If you're reading this, then you found my body, and I'm sorry that you had to see that baby, I really am, but I didn't know what else to do. I can't stress enough. School is stressful, we have more work than ever in one day, I can't keep up with everything, training is rougher than usual and Aizawa isn't listening when I tell him I can't take it.

There is so much going on and I can't keep up. I want everything to stop. I want everyone to stop. I can't keep doing this. I've self harmed since I was twelve, the old man catching me and getting onto me for it, but it's different now. After meeting you, I stopped and I felt so much better but then, something just snapped and I couldn't take it anymore. So, I killed myself. I don't want you blaming yourself, because this was my choice. I will more than likely regret it, but I still did it. I'm sorry for leaving you baby, but I can't take anything anymore. I want you to live a happy life, I want you to be happy and have an amazing family and career.

I want you to be happy, please, do that for me.

I love you so much.

-Shoto Todoroki

Tears fell from the boy's eyes as he stared at the paper. No. No! The boy began to sob loudly, he couldn't do it. He couldn't live without his other half, not like this. This wasn't fair! He should have known, but he didn't. It didn't take long before a student heard and ran to the crying. The student stared for a moment before taking a breath and walking over to him, the student sat down beside him and spoke words he didn't think he'd ever hear.

“No ones truly gone until they're forgotten.”

Hello everyone!!

I ment to post this on Valentine's Day, lol, like, an hour ago. But I ended up getting busy with other stuff! Anyway, hope you enjoyed because uhm, this is my only way to vent without venting. Hahahaha.

If you have suicidal thoughts and or actions, please, do talk to a trusted adult and or an operator from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.


Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸

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