|The Bully huh?|

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Every day a soulmate is found.

If one isn't found at the age of fifteen years, the mark will start to fade on the other.

When a mark is completely grey, neither soulmate will find each other and neither soulmate will leave until seventeen years. (a/n: it means they die)

The mark will be on their least dominate arm.

This mark will be the color of hair or eyes. If one has two different colored eyes or hair, the mark will be the same.

This mark will also be the favorite of their soulmate. If the soulmate likes flowers, a flower will be there. If the soulmate likes music or art, the mark will be a music symbol or art symbol.

This mark will appear at the age of seven years.


Second year Bakugou Katsuki was freaking out in his dorm, pulling at his blond hair as he leaned over his bed. What the fuck?! My birthday is in a month! I haven't found a fucking soulmate yet! Am- am I going to die?! For real?! The boys breath quickened and his body began to shake. no no no no! Not now! Those fuckers are supposed to be coming to my damn dorm!! Clenching his black tank top and closing his eyes, trying to ease his own breathing, the boy started to mumble to himself.

Remembering how his father would say sweet nothings into his ear, calming him down and getting him to sleep. He breath slowly calmed down, still heavy but calm. Just as he calmed himself there was a knock on his door, making him jump slightly and put his hands up as if he was getting attacked.

"Whoa dude! Put down the hands!" Damn it, Pikachu. Katsuki rolled his eyes as he watched the girl walk in. A grin on her lips, Kaminari came out as transgender about a year ago. Everyone thought that Katsuki would be rude and bully her but, he didn't. Instead, he threatened the hell out of his class and decided to claim her as his little sister.

Katsuki sighed. "Just, sit wherever." He mumbled putting his hand through his hair. The female did just that, she sat her black and yellow bag on the floor and turned around to look at the boy on the bed. A frown came to her lips and her eyebrows furrowed. She sighed lightly and sat beside the boy.

"Alright, what's going on? No one else is here yet and I won't—" Dianna (a/n: I is bad with chick names, k??) was cut off by a huff when Katsuki automatically hugged her, putting his face in her chest. "Oh no...Kat.." The blonde female hugged the crying boy, rubbing his back gently.

The others are going to be here soon, what'll happen? Will he be like this when they get back? Sighing again, she pushed the thought away and kept doing her thing, she started to whisper to him. Hopefully this helps. Our teacher told us what to do when this happens, it's weird because they look and share so many similarities.

Katsuki's breathing seemed to even out and that showed her that he either fell asleep or that he was calmed down. They stayed in that position until the door opened up to the others walking in, it was different because they had Hitoshi and Shoto with them. Diana turned around and put her pointer to her lips making everyone become quiet and look at her confused.

"I think he may be asleep." She whispered to them. Everyone nodded and sat their things down. Diana moved the boy so that he was laying on his bed, the right way, and went to the others, who were seated on the floor.

"So, wanna tell us what's going on?" Sero asked the girl.

"Yeah! I've never seen Bakubabe like this before." Diana rubbed her arm and frowned.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I mean, he's had these weird mood swings for the past month now, I'm surprised you guys haven't noticed it yet." The female turned around and pulled out a notebook that she had in her bag. She set it down and looked at the others. "Alright, we all know who our soulmates are, right?" Everyone, aside from Shoto, nodded.

"What's this about, DD?" Eijirou asked the girl, curiosity on his face. Diana sighed and opened the small notebook.

"I think Kat is freaking out because his birthday is soon and he still hasn't found his soulmate." The girl turned to a page labeled Katsuki's Acts. "I took notes when I went to talk to Recovery Girl a while back, after noticing how strange he was acting of course. I just took notes on certain things about Soulmates and other, I then went to Vlad and a few others and asked them if they knew anything. Mister M. said that Kat is acting the same way that he did when he was younger."

"And that is?" The girl took a moment, thinking about Hitoshi's question.

"I think he's scared." The group was silent. Eijirou sighed softly.

"Alright, what's his mark look like? Is it already fading? What's the color? Or-or maybe it had an animal? Is it a flower?? Can-can we see it??" Hitoshi started to freak out, he's been in the class long enough to have gained an attachment to certain students, Katsuki being one of those students. The purple haired boy began to ask more questions, while Jirou and the other girls tried to calm him down, the boys sat there, no word being said.

Shoto seemed to have enough and got up. He made his way to Katsuki's side, crouching down at his eye level. The blond was still asleep and was snoring softly, you could see the red around his eyes from crying and even a little on his nose. "Todoroki?! What are you doing?!" Sero hissed, everyone looked at him and he ignored them.

The boy grabbed his left arm and looked at it. Eyes widening he sat down and pulled up his own sleeve. "Huh." Was all that left his mouth. He looked up at the confused faces and grinned.

"Never thought it'd be the Bully that would be my soulmate."

Hello everyone!!

Yeah, not the best. :')

I'll see you all, on the next oneshot!

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸

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