Chapter Eight //

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I'm woken up by beams of golden sunlight hitting my face. Squinting my eyes against the harsh brightness that is invading Harry's bedroom, I stretch my arms over my head and lengthen my legs, stretching out all the tightness from the long night of sleep I've just had. My head is pounding and I feel like every drop of water has been rung out from my body. I roll to my side and notice that Harry is not in the bed. In his place, on the night stand is a fresh bottle of water with a bottle of advil sitting next to it.

I smile and scoot my body to the edge of the bed, reaching out my arm to grab the bottle of pain killers. I pop a couple in my mouth and wash them down with the bottle of water Harry left me. A note lays under the advil. I grab it and it reads,

"Toothbrush in the bathroom :-)
I'll be in the kitchen when you wake up

I chuckle to myself, and lay back on the many pillows that adorn Harry's bed. Thoughtful, are those kisses? I think briefly about what happened last night, and even though I can't remember every detail, I remember the important parts. Nick tried to take advantage of me and Harry punched him in the face. It was probably one of the sexiest things I've ever seen, to be honest. I have no idea why Harry ended up there, or how he ended up there. If he really had just been driving by as he says, that is one hell of a coincidence. I never really believed in fate but if I were going to start, now would be the time. I climb off the large bed, grabbing my phone and walking into the bathroom. My phone is dead. Lovely.

On the counter in the sparkling white bathroom is a brand new toothbrush still in it's packaging and a trial size tube of toothpaste. Next to that, is a pack of face wipes. Did this guy really just leave me face wipes? I need to meet this man's mother. She's obviously done something right. Either that or Harry is just a pro at having girls sleep at his house. Probably the latter.

I brush my teeth and wipe all the old mascara from underneath my eyes. When I sit down on the toilet I notice my clothes from yesterday, folded neatly on a small wooden stool next to the shower. Is he real? I pull on my jeans from yesterday but keep Harry's KISS t-shirt on. My blouse from yesterday isn't exactly clean and I like the way this t-shirt feels. And the way it smells. It smells like sweet mix of vanilla and laundry detergent. I grab my phone and try to find my way to the kitchen, which doesn't end up being too difficult.

"She's as sweet as Tupelo honey
She's an angel of the first degree
She's as sweet as Tupelo honey
Just like honey, baby, from the bee"

As I walk through the small eating area and through to the kitchen, I can hear Tupelo Honey being played lightly in the background, and the sizzle and smell of bacon wafting through the air. The smell is how I figured out which direction the kitchen was in this maze of a house.

Harry is standing with his back to me, in dark gray joggers and nothing else

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Harry is standing with his back to me, in dark gray joggers and nothing else. The hair on the top of his head it being held up with a small hair clip. He is quietly singing the lyrics and humming to himself while he cooks. He has a kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder and is slightly hunched over the stove, working on breakfast. I glance at the clock on the microwave, 10AM. Leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen, I clear my throat so Harry can hear me. He turns around slowly, a sly smile on his face.

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