Chapter Four //

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a/n hi guys! when you see 🎶🎶🎶 play the song I linked, truuust me 😇💋


My head is pounding. Eff my life.

I squint open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. The sun is shining directly onto my face through my bedroom window. Groaning, I take the pillow from next to me and throw it over my head, turning onto my stomach.

"Why did I drink that much? Chloe you idiot!" I say to myself as I try to remember what happened last night after my encounter with Harry and Nick in the bathroom hallway.

I remember storming back to our table in VIP and taking my frustration out on that giant bottle of tequila. It's pretty fuzzy in my mind now, but I remember dancing with Sam and even dancing with Sarah and Danny at one point. I didn't see Nick the rest of the night. But I did see Harry one more time. No more words were exchanged between us, but as Sam and I were waiting for our Uber to pick us up outside of the club, I faintly remember Harry practically bowling me over as he walked by to get into the back of a large black escalade. One skinny blonde bimbo on each of his arms.


I grab my phone off the side table to check the time. 11:00 AM. Realizing now that I'm starving and desperate for some caffeine, I roll myself out of my bed and throw on some lounge shorts. Walking down the short hallway to the kitchen I can hear Sam is already completing the task of coffee making for us both.

"Ugh, thanks Sam. My head is killing me. Why on earth did you let me drink so much last night? Bad friend," I tell her as I reach into the cabinet next to the refrigerator for some advil.

"I tried. You could not be stopped last night. You were on a mission to get wasted," Sam giggles a bit as she pours both of our coffees. I take mine and sit down at the table. Sam leans against the kitchen counter, bringing her mug to her lips. I'll never know how she never ends up with a hangover. It's not fair.

" So uhhh, " Sam starts nervously, "Harry was there last night,"

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. So was Nick. He cornered me by the bathrooms and Harry scared him off."

"Nick was there!? No wonder you were on the warpath last night." Sam despises Nick. She always has.

"So Harry rescued you hmm?" she says curiously, swiping through the screen on her phone.

"Yeah, it was actually pretty annoying. I can handle Nick on my own. Now I feel like I owe him or some-" and I'm interrupted by Sam's shocked voice.

"CHLOE! oh you're not gonna like this," Sam stares at me and then back to her phone, her eyes wide with what seems like worry with a hint of mischief.

"What? What is it?" I stand up and walk over to where she is standing, mesmerized by whatever is on her screen. When I peek over to see what she's looking at, my stomach practically drops out of my body.

"No... ugh, he said that bar was 'pap-free'! We look like we are on a date! Sammmmm," I whine at her as if she can just make it disappear. There are pictures of me and Harry at the bar together talking. Pictures of us smiling, and pictures of the two of us very close together at the club.

Did he know the whole time that our picture would end up in the tabloids the next day? He must have. I'm gonna kill him.

"Uh.. yeah, and..." Sam gulps, "someone got a snap of you two in the hallway at the club, too. If he hadnt been snapped leaving with two girls they'd be speculating that you are dating him," Sam guesses.

"Fuck. Damnit! I knew hanging out with him was a bad idea." I really don't need his reputation as a serial dater-slash-playboy affecting my career right now.

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