Chapter 8 - Home

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Severus was already standing at the front of the class, so Rowan decided that she would join him at his side. "Today, each of you will be brewing a calming draught with your partners," Severus said and chatter broke out amongst the classroom. Before Severus had time to complain, Rowan jumped in. "I am aware that this is an advanced potion, but I do not doubt your capabilities. Can someone tell me what three ingredients a calming draught contains?" She said, flashing a small smile at an annoyed Severus. 

A few people raised their hands, one of them being a younger Hufflepuff Rowan recognized as Susan Bones. She and Blaise had shared many nights together before he left her for another, something Rowan despised when he did. "Yes, Miss Bones?" Severus said and she gulped. "I- I think it is lavender, crocodile heart, and spearmint?" Rowan cringed as she heard the Hufflepuff say the wrong last ingredient. It was simple, really. Anyone could mistake peppermint for spearmint, but she knew Severus would not be as understanding. 

Severus scowled as he turned to Millicent Bulstrode, who seemed to notice the mistake as well. "Miss Bulstrode, would you like to tell me what Miss Bones said incorrectly?" He said and Millicent nodded. "It is peppermint, sir. Not spearmint," Millicent's usually loud voice seemed to be the quietest Rowan had ever heard it. Was she the only one not intimidated by the potions professor?

"That is correct. Ten points to Slytherin!" Rowan chimed in with a cheery voice. "And 5 points from Hufflepuff. Miss Bones, I would suggest less daydreaming in class, and more studying," Severus said with a glare. "Now, everyone if you would gather your ingredients. The first to make a calming draught correctly will be excused from their amortentia essay," Rowan said and the class soon became loud with students rushing to make their own potions. 

"Do you really think they'll be capable enough to make it correctly the first time?" Severus asked, placing his hand on the small of Rowan's back in a way that it was concealed from the student's prying eyes. Rowan smiled and took in a shaky breath. "I think Susan Bones has the right spirit. My bet is on her," Rowan said quietly, looking up at Severus, who kept his gaze straight. "My bet is on one of my Slytherin's. Any of those dunderheads should be capable enough to make a simple draught," Severus said, causing Rowan to shake her head. She turned her attention to the students, specifically her friends. 

Millicent seemed to be getting ready to place spearmint into the cauldron, and Rowan chuckled to herself. "You sure about that, Professor Snape?" She asked, nodding in her friend's direction. Severus groaned and shook his head in disappointment. "As I said, dunderheads," He said as he left Rowan's side and took a seat at his desk. Without looking up, he spoke up. "Miss Bones," He said, making the small framed Hufflepuff jump. 

"Yes, Professor?" She said as her potion turned the correct shade of royal blue. "20 points to Hufflepuff for being smart enough to learn from your mistake," He muttered, seeming almost annoyed to be rewarding points to a house other than Slytherin. The young Hufflepuff gleamed and high fived the boy sitting next to her. "And, Mr. Zabini," Severus spoke, his head still down. "5 points from Slytherin for allowing Miss Bulstrode to use spearmint," Severus finished, a small smile creeping onto his face. His long hair hid it from the students, but Rowan could see it clearly. 

"Really, Millicent?!" Blaise exclaimed, slamming back into his chair. Rowan chuckled as she walked over to the potions cabinet and grabbing a jar of peppermint. She walked over to Millicent and took the jar of spearmint off of the desk. "Start over. The potion is ruined," Rowan explained and Millicent threw her an annoyed look. "Why didn't you warn me, Professor," Millicent asked through gritted teeth. Rowan could hear Severus chuckle from his desk and the noise brought butterflies to her stomach. "I was betting on the Hufflepuff," Rowan laughed and smiled at Susan, who was bottling her perfect draught. Millicent scoffed and sat down to restart the potion. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

After their classes had ended, Rowan began to clean up after the first-year students that had left their potions still in their cauldron. This was a common occurrence as they were the last class before dinner, and Rowan didn't want to hold them in class. 

"You are too kind to those students, Miss Knight," Severus said as he uncharacteristically began to assist Rowan in cleaning the cauldrons. "It's their first year, Professor. I feel that they have better things to worry about than to clean their cauldrons," Rowan explained with a shake of her head. Perhaps if she had extra time at Ilvermonry, she wouldn't have become a Slytherin at Hogwarts. It wasn't that she disliked her house, if anything, she adored it. It just came with a bad reputation that she wished she could do without. 

Severus looked around and found only two cauldrons left to be cleaned. He quickly cleaned them with a swish of his wand, before placing it back in his pocket. Rowan looked at him, surprised. "I'm not that good with that spell," Rowan admitted and Severus' nodded understandingly. "Now, would you like to accompany me to the Great Hall?" Severus offered, beginning to leave without an answer. Rowan rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's no use in offering to go with me if you leave me," Rowan called to the man who was now a few feet in front of him. 

"I knew your answer, Miss Knight," He replied and Rowan could hear the sly smirk in his voice. Rowan finally caught up to him and she nudged him on the arm. Severus turned to her and, looking around to see if anyone was around, grabbed her hand, and interlaced their fingers. Rowan's face burned red as her hand tingled from his touch. They approached the Great Hall and immediately dropped each other's hand. They both didn't know what would come of what they were and didn't need student gossip in the mix of things.

They walked in and silently sat down, Severus beside Lockhart. Rowan began to put a few things on her plate and looked over to the Slytherin table. Juniper was smiling up at her and Rowan's heart swelled. Juniper had become the little sister she didn't know she needed. For the first time in a long time, Rowan looked over to a table that wasn't her own. To her surprise, she found two brown eyes staring up at her. Susan Bones mouthed a small 'Thank you', to Rowan before turning back to her friends. It seemed that the shy girl's popularity was soaring after she had earned so many points for her house. 

Hogwarts had always felt like home to Rowan. She hadn't been here nearly as long as most people, but she was happy that she had made a student's life here easier. She wished someone would have done the same to her at Ilvermorny. She wasn't well-liked there, by any means. The students hated her because she always got fairly good marks on her work. The professors hated her because she was always getting into fights with her fellow students. There was no winning back at Ilvermorny. 

Rowan took a deep breath and looked over at Severus, who was engaged in a conversation with Minerva. She remembered when she had first been disowned by her mother and feared that she had nowhere to go. Now, she knew she would always have somewhere to go. Hogwarts was her home. 

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