Chapter 23

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Hero's POV:
I don't feel like going out tonight. I had one of the most beautiful days of my life with Josephine, even if we stayed at the hotel all time. It's what she said later that ruined every single moment we spent together. I'm really trying to not be sad, but there's this big weight on my shoulders that knocks me down, something non-existent that hurts like a boulder. After leaving her at home, saying goodnye to her with a nod, I took courage and crossed every stretch of the road with my head held high and the sound in my ears of the creaking of the leaves falling from the trees. I became aware that in the evening I wouldn't be able to see her, that I should've remained alone with my thoughts in a hotel room, just like the lyrics of a melancholy song. While I was waiting for the traffic light to go green, I made a weird encounter. Someone's shoulder hit me, drawing my attention. I looked up to see who he was. What I noticed first was a red tuft, of a rather bizarre tinge. I would have laughed at it if it wasn't for the sadness I had in my veins. The strange tuft covered a young man's forehead. I've never been good at guessing people's ages, he seemed to be a 30-year-old though.
"Oh, sorry, my bad. You're okay, aren't you?" the stranger says. I look at him one more time, he seems like he's escaping from something.
"Yeah, it's also my fault, I'm way too discracted recently." I answer looking down.
Why did I say that, though? Am I the kind of person who talks about his problems with strangers now? Love can change the deepest part of every human, I guess.
"I actually noticed it, dude. Your wallet fell off and you haven't even realized that." he laughs, but I feel like a dumbass when I gather my wallet from the ground and Josephine's little polaroid appears from one of the pockets.
"Damn, she's everywhere." I say whispering. I didn't want to pronounce those words but they slipped out of my mouth. I look like a jerk.
"Well, someone here needs to talk about women... I can offer you a drink."
"Not women. Just one woman. The most powerful and beautiful one. By the way, why should I discuss my love life with a stranger?" I ask him laughing. I'd like to tell him "I can't waste my time, sorry.", but I feel so lonely right now.
"The same happened in thousands of movies and in 60% of them the stranger didn't kill the guy." He mumbles and I start laughing again, even if I feel a node in my throat.
"You know, I kinda know something about the topic of the cinema..." I say.
"Let's go to that little café on the corner then.".
His hand comes out of his sleeve with which he warmed up from the autumn cold, and points to a small building behind me. I don't even turn, I accept this stranger's request without thinking twice. I'm quite hesitant about his kindness, but I have nothing left to lose. We walk to the café, but this time I try to pay more attention in every gesture I make. I don't want to get run over or have some other strange meeting, though at this point I wouldn't be surprised. When we enter the small building, the heating of the room hits me, causing me a slight headache. Or maybe it's the thoughts that overflow from it.
Although it's not my custom, I order a stained coffee and, when we sit in the low orange seats of the place, I take off my cap. The chairs look uncomfortable, but the hot coffee is tasty.
"So... do you feel like talking about your problems with a stranger?" the guy says, and then he starts sipping the coffee he ordered.
"I don't feel like I have a choice. What's your name?".
"I'm Marcus. Who are you?" he asks.
"If I took the question seriously I would say I'm a lover sad as fuck, but at the same time my heart still beats strong since I found the girl I lost months ago. But I'll just say that my name is Hero."
"It's a complex answer, so I assume the situation is quite serious." Marcus replies.
"It is... well, I don't think I know what to do... It all started a long time ago, now I feel like it's something which can't go away anymore, paranoid that it will haunt me forever.".
"I know what you mean... keep talking, I'll try to help you, Hero."
I give him a muted smile and start talking about us, me and Josephine and how I feel about what's going on between me and her. The weight on my shoulders starts to slowly disappear.

Like the first time I saw youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن