Chapter 12

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Jo's POV:
"I can't believe you took me here." I say laughing.
He always knows how to surprise me. I remember once he had took me to a fast food like this for our if the time that passes for us counted something. As if we haven't loved each other more than the previous day.

I love the simplicity of this place, it makes me feel at home.

"I know you wanted a burrito. Like old times." he says smiling.

His smile is always warmer.

"Yeah, honestly I thought you would have brought me to a restaurant."
"Nah, that's stuff for losers."
"Yeah, I prefer my burrito." I say and bite a piece of it.
"Fuck, it's delicious" he says with the full mouth and a bit of sauce dripping from his chin.

I love the way he is himself, spontaneous and hilarious.

"I know right." I say while I taste my burrito, remembering the first time we ate it together.
We immediately ordered another, and then two more for dinner. I guess we were a little addicted to it, maybe we're still.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks me.
"The first time we ate one of these together. Do you still remember?"
"Surely I remember how much the lady of the fast food looked at us badly." he says, and I start laughing.
"Yeah, that's true. It was so awkward." he starts giggling with me.

We continue to eat and I suddenly say:
"I thought you would've grown your beard."
"What?" he looks at me smiling, confused.
"I thought I'd see you with a long beard after a few months."
"You thought I would've become Hagrid?" I can't help but chuckle again.
"Nope, I thought that since sometimes you've grown your beard, after a while you would've done seriously."
"Too lazy for this." he mumbles.
"As i thought."

Hero smiles at me because I saw how much he can be lazy at times.

I remember that sometimes he decided to work out and he was committed to a week, then he immediately went back to the couch.

I'm pretty lazy, too. I prefer Netflix more than the gym to be honest.

We finish our burrito by continuing to make fun of each other.
"Let's take a walk?" i ask him.
We look at each other and start moving away from fast food.

There are moments like this, when I feel uncomfortable while I'm with him.

It just doesn't seem normal to be able to be a friend with a person with whom you have shared so many intimate moments, so many months.
I know it will work, though. It has to.

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