Chapter 6

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Jo's POV:
The pub is full of people, only a few of them are still sober. Sophia is sitting at the bottom,  concentrated on her phone. I try to reach her and call her name for her to note my presence. But the volume of the song is too strong.

I push away a dozen people, until she finally sees me.
"Hey Josephine! Come here!" she yells. I feel embarrassed but everyone is worried about drinking and dancing, so it's not a problem.
"Hi! I missed you" I say hugging her.
"I missed you too...Wow, someone looks hot here!" Sophia says looking at my black dress. Its length hit my knees,and the neckline highlights my breast. I am kinda proud of how I look tonight, I feel okay with my self.

"Oh, thank you. So what are we doing here?"
"What are we doing? We're here to have fun, girl!" she yells again. I won't feel my ears tomorrow.
"Follow me, I'll introduce you to some friends." she almost tears me an arm while dragging me to her friends. Surely she had already drunk something.

I hadn't plan to meet new people tonight, but I'll have more fun, right?
"So guys, this is Josephine. I recommend, make sure she enjoys tonight, okay?" she winks and I immediately feel embarrassed by the presentation she made. I'm just grateful that none of them have recognized me.

The friends in question are two girls who seem cold and vain, a boy who is playing Candy Crush on his phone and another guy, drunk as fuck but at least he seems to notice my presence. Nice.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I say little convinced and they all give a greeting with their heads. Perhaps it would've been better to stay at home.
"Jo, how's Jack?" Sophia asks unexpectedly, when we sit down.
Do I have an answer to this question?
"He' amazing guy." Fuck, I was too vague.
"Amazing? Is that how you would describe your boyfriend?"
"I mean, he's really nice to me and an amazing person." she looks like shocked.
"so, is he the right guy?"
Is he?
"I don't know...well, yeah, I think he is.".

I lied, for the thousandth time, because I can't admit the truth even to myself.
I met the right guy a long time ago, the love of my life, but it didn't work.
"Wow, that's nice!" she looks at me in a sweet way but I'm convinced that she drank way too much to pay attention.

"Oh wait, I'm going to greet a friend of mine over there, I'll be right back." Sophia looks behind me and disappears into the crowd. 
All that remains is to enjoy the evening with myself. I take a glass that is on the table and start sipping. It's good but I have no idea what it is.
I ask for the same glass of what I just drank at the counter and discover that it's "Cosmopolitan".
It tastes so good.


Minutes pass and I am being way too irresponsible.
I just drank three glasses of this elixir of life and I don't feel any better.
But this is what young people do, right? Get drunk and enjoy life?
Therefore...ahead, let's enjoy life!

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