Chapter 22

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Jo's POV:
"They're not that bad." I say with my mouth full of burritos.

I haven't dedicated myself too much at cooking. It was more a way to spend time with Hero, enjoying these little hours alone, having the chance to love each other without worries.

"I still think you needed to add more stuff in it." he mumbles.
"Oh, shut up and enjoy your burrito." I reply laughing.
"How rude.. "he chuckles and bites another piece of his burrito. I know he loves it, he just doesn't want to admit it.
"It's 6 pm. What do you want to do later?" he asks me.

"I'd like to make love with you again."- I meet his eyes and I notice that his pupils are dilated- "But I really need to go back home, you know why." I add.

It was horrible to say that. I don't know how I should explain what's going on in my mind. I fucking love him, and I know he does too. Then I see Jack's expression, after he waited for me all day, and it reminds me that I already have someone to love in my life.
Though, how can I repress my feelings for Hero? Is it just a stupid love ended months ago? I feel like he owns my heart, as if it's a teenage love, something really important, something that you don't want to leave, don't want to forget. But it's still something which will end soon, with no future... How am I supposed to explain all of this shit to him?

"Yeah I know why." His gaze falls down and I close my eyes for a moment, regretting what I said and with the knowledge that I hurted his feelings.
He stands up, so I reach him. I try to caress his cheeck with my cold tiny hand but he rejects me.
"Will you always spend the day with me and then go back to Jack? Is that what you want?" he whispers. I still hear the anger in what he says, though.
"No, don't take it like that. I just need time to elaborate what I feel, explain everything to Jack and say goodbye to him.".
"It seems like you don't want to do that, as if you miss me and the attentions I gave you a few months ago, but still don't want to have the stability that Jack can give you." Hero says.
"I don't need attentions, I need you and your love. I love you Hero, you know that. Just give me more time."

He doesn't say anything but looks directly at my eyes, studies them, as is he's looking for something inside of them, perhaps the truth.

"Okay...okay, it's alright if you need time. I just don't want to lose you again. I don't want to feel that fucking pain again." He murmurs after a while, and I can feel the same pain... I also felt that.

"Thank you, It means the world to me." I give him two soft kisses and hug him.

We hug each other for a few minutes, the right time to say "I love you" hundreth times.

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