Mother After War

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After the War of Mobius (Sonic Forces) Sonic's belly keeps getting bigger, turns out he is pregnant...but who's kid is it?

Shadow sat at the meeting table, where the resistance usually call for meetings during the war. This time it was used for the news that Sonic the Hedgehog, Hero of Mobius is having a child. Not only that, but he was the one that was pregnant.

Everyone went wild about the news, and by everyone, I mean everyone except for Shadow the Hedgehog. Why you might ask. Well, Shadow was investigating why, though....he never thought that would be the answer they would use to break Sonic. No not at all. The method they used was rape. So when the news came out he really wasn't surprised when he heard.

Hours later, he walked to the house that was made for the pregnant hedgehog and his baby. The black hedgehog knocked on the door. Hearing the knock the blue hedgehog grabbed the door handle, and open the door. Sonic sighed as Shadow looked at his stomach.

"Y-you...why are you h-here?" Sonic stuttered to the other as he saw Shadow's caring expression. They looked it to each other's eyes.

"Sonic....I mean Faker...." Shadow shook his head then continued, "I heard what happen during my investigation, I'm......sorry...I-I want to help" he grabbed the pregnant hedgehogs hand in a comforting manner.

"I swear I will protect you and the baby," The darker of the two kissed the other's hand to encourage the other to trust him, only to have the peached gloved hands pulled away.

"It's not yours! Don't act like you don't know who the father is you did the investigation!" Sonic yelled at the hedgehog.

"W-What....Faker that is the only thing I couldn't find....." Shadow admitted. He had found that he had been raped twice by two different people.

"FINE! IT'S INFINITE! THAT JERK GOT ME PREGNANT....I-I wasn't ready..." Tears streamed down the other's face. He gripped down on the door nob.

Shadow saw the hurt face of the poor hedgehog, and, because instinct, he grabbed the others shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Whispering soothing words in twitching ears as Sonic's arms wrapped around him.  Peach colored arms wrapped around Shadow's neck needing comfort. Comfort that Shadow was willing to provide.

"S-Shad..." A crying voice clung to Shadow's heart, pulling at the strings of it when he started to move them inside of the house. The sobbing into the ebony's shoulder only continued as they sat down. With a sigh Shadow pulled Sonic on his lap in order to get better contact during the hug.

After minutes of crying, the tears were dried with only staggered breathing remaining. Sonic looked at the other in a 'thank you' manner, to which the other thought he had finally made the sweet azure on his lap stop crying. Small hic-ups echoed through the home as Sonic completely stopped his tears. The ebony wiped them of with his thumb, making the pregnant hedgehog smile a little.

"Shad-Shadow?" Sonic stuttered looking at his rival with a kind look as he leaned in nervously, "take my thank you gift," he said as their lips met along with the blush forming the collision of their lips. Shadow blinked in surprise as the younger's lips met with his own, but soon he put hands around the other's waist pulling the kiss closer.

The kiss broke by the need for air. Panting, the two looked at each other lovingly. A smirk formed on the dark one's muzzle as the grip tightened, but not to hurt Sonic, more like to keep him in Shadow's hold.

"I love you too," was all he said as they shared another kiss on the sofa, with Shadow rubbing the stomach which held the baby. They pulled away once again, "Even though I hate that the baby is Infinite's. I will still call it my own child as long as you are my world," Shadow said leaning down the other's nose and kisses it.

"Of course," Sonic said, leaning his head on the chest fluff that now seemed so much more comfortable then he imagined....

Man! That wasn't very long, but it was kinda detailed. One the best ones I might have ever done. Anyways! See you in the next one shot!

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