Jealousy Plan

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Amy has gotten together with Shadow, which they were both using to get a certain hedgehog jealous.

{Shadow PoV}
Me and Amy ended up at a certain hedgehog's door. Of course she was excited after all, she only dated me to make him jealous...but I was thinking the same thing....

Amy knocked on the door which was soon opened by my rival, just the hedgehog I wanted to see! I smirk at him as he waves to us with a kind smile, which he always had on. "Oh, hey guys, C'mon in!" Sonic said kindly.

"There are brownies in the kitchen if you want any," Sonic then went behind me and grabbed my coat from behind. I saw Amy walk off and into the into the kitchen.

I felt Sonic take off my coat, before he could finish by hanging it up, I grabbed his arm and pulled him in so I could grab his waist. Once I had him in my hold, his hands went up to my chest. I felt the leather of my jacket against my chest with his one hand.

"Sonic, don't you look nice," I complimented. He only looked away with the blush covering his muzzle and his ear tips. I chuckled, he looked adorable.

"Shad? Let me go," he whispered; I only smirked, let him go, and put him in my jacket. "Why did-?" He asked though I just cut him off before he could finish.

"You looked cold," I said as I sat down when Amy returned and sat next to me, brownie in hand. She signed Sonic over with a wink.

"Why don't you sit with us~?"
She asked though I wanted to punch her for trying to flirt with him. Sonic shook his head and whispered something we couldn't hear.

"What?" I asked "speak up Faker," I pretended to roll my eyes. He sighed as he played with his quills. Adorable.

"I still have some cupcakes in the oven..." He said shyly. Amy smiled but you could easily tell she wasn't pleased. And to be honest I didn't care.

Sonic rushed to the kitchen when he heard the oven beep. "Baby,  I'm going to get a brownie," I said as an excuse to leave and see Sonic frost cupcakes. She nodded as she turned on the TV not caring.

I walked into the kitchen to see freshly made cupcakes. My faker was preparing the icing for the cupcakes, and singing. 

"Faker," I caught his attention by patting his head lightly, then I pulled him in by his wrist and placed them around my neck. Blush creeped onto his muzzle and the tips of his ears and tail. After that, I touched his tail; rubbing it.

"Shad- mmmmm" he cut himself off by humming when rubbed his tail lightly. He pulled me closer until our faces were about an inch apart. "Shadow, I-" he was cut off yet again, but this time, by Amy.

"Shadow and Sonic the hedgehog! Sonic how could you?!" She basically screamed.

"Me? Shadow pulled me in-" he said the truth, I did do that.

"Oh Sonic. Me and Amy only dated to make you jealous," I smirked at his reaction.  His face was a bright pink, while his expression was confused and shocked.

"Wh-What?!" He was stunned a lot more than I thought he would be.

"Aww~ Sonikku we dated each other to get you jealous and pick one of us" Amy hugged him while I was growling at her to let him go. To my pleasure Sonic pushed her away.

"But then you have to...-"

"Cheat? We know, that is the point, Sonic, I love you~" Amy hugged him but I pulled him away before she could kiss him.

I hugged him tightly and gave him a bunch of kisses one his check and forehead. "Step. Away. Amy., I growled as she stepped closer.

"No! He is mine!" She shouted angrily.

{Sonic PoV}

I sighed as Amy was yelling at Shadow. Then, Shadow was a very cheeky grin, kind of mischievous... That is when he pulled my arm and made us kiss.

Ohhhhh....chaos~ it felt so good! I wrapped my arms around his neck and depended the kiss. Everything just stopped as he slipped his tongue in my mouth.

"Mmhh~" I moaned into the kiss. How was he so good at his? "Mmh~ Ahh~" he tugged on my tail causing two other moans. My one hand slipped down onto his chest, causing him to groan.

Finally, we pulled away from each other only to see Amy fuming with anger. I panted as another tug was made on my tail. He is to-Ahhhhhh~ gooooo~d at this~ for it to be reahhh~. Even my mind couldn't form words as Shadow rubbed my thigh and traced it up above my bottom to my knee.

Amy growled. "I said he was mine!"

"Oh really? Then why is he letting me do this?" Shadow said still tracing my leg.

"Ngh~ Ah~ I- Ohhh~! I like it- ahh~" I replied as he stopped and hugged me. Having a tight grip on my waist, he whispered in my ear.

"All mine" 

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