Racing to the Finish

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Requested by: J__R__H

There is another race between Sonic and Shadow, but this time this one includes a bet, and Sonic wants something very special from Shadow...

The two were ready to dash off, ready to start a race they had been betting on. With a couple of seconds, they sped off; a confident looking on the both the hedgehogs. The wind blowing on both their faces and through their quills.

"What even is your plan Shad?" Sonic asked his dark counter-part. Shadow rolled his eyes.

Shadow's frown became a smug smirk, "You will see, Faker," he said. Sonic didn't know what to feel. Scared or flirty because of Shadow's smirk. Sonic gave a shocked face. To which Shadow's smirk got a little bigger.

Though, unknown to Shadow, Sonic had a plan as well. A plan that will rock Shadow's world. A kiss. That is all he wanted. The race was to Mobotropolis to Green Hill Zone.

They had passed another zone, Shadow was in the lead. Then, Sonic-being the clever hedgehog he was- he turned on his cheating mechanism. A pair of rocket boots, Tails had made for him. Of course he never told the kitsune about the purpose.

He knew he wouldn't win this- especially that he thinks Shadow cheats by his own rocket boots, so why couldn't he?- Sonic turned them on. He picked up speed as ge passed Shadow going through another zone; being close to their destination.

Shadow looked a little shocked. For a second he thought that this Faker was going to beat him. Shadow really wanted this win to do what he wished with Sonic. Now don't be getting any dirty thoughts here! All he wanted to do was beat him up! For maybe an hour or two. But he couldn't help but feel something for the guy, but at the same time he wanted nothing to do with him.

Shadow began to pick up speed. Sonic boasted with remaining speed and the power from the jet boots. They finally stopped at the end of Green Hills Zone, the winner being Sonic. Shadow shook his head and looked down at his shoes... He was wearing jet boots.
Sonic grinned and walked up to Shadow. A smile on his face.

"Now you have to do one thing for me," Sonic said smiling walking up to Shadow, and popped Shadow's nose with his finger. Shadow looked slightly confused. Sure his nose has been popped in the passed but certainly not by the blue hedgehog. As he crept closer Shadow couldn't help but blush.

Shadow stuttered, "W-What are you-" he was cut off by some lips connecting lightly with his. He soon closed his eyes after Sonic did, and wrapped his arms around the other's waist pulling Sonic closer.

Sonic loved the softness and the gentleness that Shadow was showing, and wrapped his arms around Shadow's neck keeping the other close to him with the connection they shared. Tongues danced before the two stopped for air. Sonic laid his head on Shadow's chest panting.  "I-I- uh, wow~" Sonic said trying to catch his breath. Shadow only shook his head and grabbed Sonic's chin, lightly pulling his head up to meet his own. Shadow leaned down and stole another kiss from the blue hedgehog.

There you go, I hope you like it so sorry it is short. Math got in the way and Imma be honest, I hate math. Sorry for it being late, I hope you liked it J__R__H.

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