She look at me and pull me up. I saw zhan was about to grab me but his grand ma slap his hands. They glared into each other.

"So you are Wang Yibo??" Zhan's grandma said. I nod "Y-yeah" I said nervously. " Good looking huh??!!!" But it sounds like sarcastic. She walk back in her chair and Zhan pulled me to sit.

"Let continue the divorce" My heart beats fastly when Zhan's grandmother said it with stern voice.

"MA!!!! I thought we will fix their relationship!!!" Mr. Xiao said and stand up. " I never said anything like that... " she said.

Everyone on the house protested and ofcourese I silently protested also.

"Why are you all protesting while the couples are not!!" She shouted and pointed us. I look to Zhan, Its true that Zhan didn't even protest. He stayed calm he is busy with a-yuan's hair.

I look down with a broken heart. " I don't want him for my grandson, I can look for a better partner for him" She said.

My heart finally shattered. "I-I...." I was cut when Cheng speak.

" You can't do that grandma. Sorry for the misrespect but You have no rights to control his feeling or anyone." He said

The older raised her eyebrow. the tention in the house already heated up when she peak up again.

" I don't want him for my grand son because I want him for my self" Zhan's grandmother said and winked at me.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" everyone said and didn't get it even me.

I was shocked when A-yuan , Jay and the Zhan's grandmother laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" They hold their stomach whle laughing. I look at Zhan who silently laughing hiding his face to A-yuan

"MOM!!!!!" Mr. and mrs Xiao said.

"Why I was just making fun. You know life is short. I just wanna prank my family. I want to keep acting but I sa Zhan who's already laughing silently." She said and crossed her arms.

I look at him and he mouthed me "sorry"

" Daddy Your face was so funny" A-yuan also said.

"I recorede thakt!!!" Jay said and raised his cam.

Everyone look a them with dangerous eyes and the organized living room already messed up.

Zhan's family start chasing them While me and my brother just sit down watching them and still processing what just happened.

"ehemmmm!!!! enough everyone!!!!!" Zhan said and stand up.

" I have an important matter to tell you." he said
"First of all sorry for what you have witnessed Yibo and Haikuan-ge its just that my family are born crazy." Zhan said.

Everyone sit-down and look at him. I noticed him shaking while looking to everyone and last he look at me.

"hoh!!!!okay.... uhmmm I have an Illness" He said that makes everyone went in schocke. I look at him hoping that he will tell next that it was just a joke. " Its uncurable illness." he said. How can he manage to smile while announcing his illness.

"H-how?" Mr. Xiao asked. " How come that we don't know that.???" Mrs. Xiao also asked.

" I didn't also know at first, It first strike when I return to U.S after my vacation her." he said and I gasped.

" I have an Illness called prosopagnosia. Its is an Inability to recognize faces. I have a face blind" he said and look down.

" Wang Yibo Im sorry." He said in sad tone. I felt my tears coming out. " I-Is that why you didn't call or even text me before??" I asked

He nods " I cant remember anyones face that time even my family. I remember everything but those faces. I cant remember and I was afraid that time that is I call or text anyone here I will feel stange.
When I discovered my illness I choose not to tell you guys." He said

" WHY!!?!? we are your family Zhan why???" Cheng said.
"You don't see as your family do you??" He asked again and Zhan look at him with teary eye. I want to stand up and wipe those tears but his grandmother shake her hand s and hold my hand.

" Its not like that!!!! I choose to keep it secret because I don't want you to be worried at me!1" ZZhan explained.

"then how can you remember us now." His sister said.

" I aske for help and also grandma helped me." Zhan said.

" Im relly sorry for that" He said. I cant bare it anymore and I went to hug him.

"Shhhh stop asking for sorry. You did what you know its for the better." I said and he cried on my shoulder.

He look atme and touch my face, " I really sorry" He said and suddenly he collapsed in my arms.

" Zhan!!!" I shaked him. I started panicking and carry him on my car

I drive to the hospital and rush him to the ER.

" sir please stop right here" the nurse said and close the door.

I stand in the hall way.

I said to everyone to stay in the house and wait for us there.

I walk back and fort while bitting my nails.

"Mr Wang I thought you are the one who is in ill again." The doctor smiled.

I smiled " How is he doc??" I asked
The doctor smile " Well did he already told you mr. Wang??"

" what do you mean?? " I asked
"HE shake his head. " He is 5 weeks pregnant Mr. Wang. that why he fainted maybe he went to a stress that caauses him to faint." the doctor said.

I froze in shocked. " p-pregnant???" I said. the doctor smile and wakl already.

I entered the room where they transfer him.

He welcome me with his smile and sign me to come there.

"When??" I asked him and he blushed hard.

And I began to think. My eyes widen and look at him. " Don't said It when....' I didn't continue my sentence when he smile and nod. "really??" I asked and smile. he nod again." Ehh?? Itd for real??" I asked it again and he glared at me.

"Why are you repeating on and on??" He ask and he is already angry.

I was shocked for his suddenly behavior. But I set aside and hug and kiss him in his lips.

His eyes widened. " Did you just kiss me on the lips?/" He asked and touched his lips. "Uhmmmm" I said and kiss him again but he pushed me.

" Why??" He asked. My smile vanished when I saw his tears start to come out.

" Im sorry for what I've done Zhan Im so stupid. I thought you just played at me that time and when I learned that you are my fiancé I started to think for a revenge." I said but he put his finger on my lips

"shhhhh stop with those sorry." He said.

" Answer me Yibo. Why did yo kissed me??" He asked.

I touch his face. " I love you Zhan. I always love you and I fall again to you when you came back into my life." I said

he cried 'I love you Wang Yibo. I always love you too and I fall again when I mmet you once again." he said

I pulled and kiss him passionately, Full of emotion and longing.

At last my heart start to beat again.....

HI heveryone hope you like this chapter hahaha

Secretly Married (Yizhan FF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz