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Konoha and I make coversation while the sun begins to go down no longer begin above us. I grab Konoha's wrist checking the time, "4:35".

I sigh knowing it's getting late, "Is something wrong Y/n?" Konoha asks me concern in his voice.

I nod at him, "Yeah, I think I'm gonna wrap this up and go talk to Keiji if that's alright," He smiles at me to say that it's okay and that I can go.

A smirk makes it's way to my face as I run up to Keiji jumping on his back, "Oni-sannnnn!" I whine out into his ear as he grabs onto my legs propping me up so I don't fall and choke him in the process.

He sighs, "What do you want."

I flick the back of his head, "What makes you think I want something from you," I playfully scoff at him.


"Yes, Ne-san?"

"I don't wanna go," I mumble into his ear.

I can feel the frown form on his face, "Hey guys?"

Everyone looked up at their vice captain, "Do you guys wanna stay the night so we can all go to school tomorrow together?"

I smile into the back of his neck hiding my face out of embarressment.

"Sure," "Sounds fun Kaashi," "Glad I brought extra clothes,"

A couple more happy responses make there way to my ears.

All except for Bokuto, I don't hear a word from him which is unusal.

In fact...

Bokuto is nowhere to be seen.

Akaashi lets go of my legs as I feel arms wrap around my torso.

"KE-" I begin to yell out but stop myself as I smell Bokuto's cologne make it's way to my nostrils.

A smile makes it's way to my face as I turn around to face him.

"Bo..." I begin as I fall into his arms.


He stops himself but then continues.

"Can I talk to you alone?"

"Of course, Bo,"

He smiles at me as his hand makes it's way to mine.

Link your fingers with his I hear a voice say.

What if this is him saying he wants nothing to do with you.

No stupid why would he have smiled and held your hand when you accepted?

I try to block out the voices but to no avail they just seem to continue on until I realize Bokuto has led me to an ice cream shop on the boardwalk.

"Y/n..." Starts looking into my eyes as we wait in line.

"I've liked you for a long time now and I just can't keep denying these feelings I have for you. I remember every little thing you tell me, like how you think f/c is the best color out of them all, how your favorite song is f/s..."

He continues to name thing I hadn't even remembered telling him, I feel my stomach clench the more he talks and can't help but to think of how cute he is.

"Y/n? Y/n are you okay?" I snap out of my train of thought realizing he had stopped talking and it's our turn to order, I blush and smile sheepishly at him. He chuckles at me, "I'll have a large choclate cone and she'll have a large f/f cone," He says to the lady who scoffs at him and looks at me to say my own order.

I look at Bokuto confused by this and just nod my head in his direction, "he already said what I wanted..." I mumble enough for her to hear.

"But is that what you really want?" I give her a puzzeled look and Bokuto looks down at me, "Y/n? Baby Owl are you okay?"

I nod and hide behind him, he ruffles my hair and the lady scoffs again.

"Your total will be $5.56, please wait over there for you order," Bokuto takes out his wallet and pays the lady walking over to the second counter, me trailing behind him.

"Bokuto you didn't have to pay for me," I say to him with a slight frown on my face feeling bad.

"Baby Owl, don't worry about it. I wanted to," He says this with that bright smile that I love so much.

"Anyway, Y/n... What I'm trying to say is, I wanna take you out."

I chuckle at his words, "On a date? Or with a gun?"

He beams at me and laughs at my joke making my stomach flutter.

"On a date, silly" he ruffles my hair and his face becomes flustered as he realizes what he just said.

I smile at him as the lady brings over our ice cream and some napkins.

"Would you like your reciept?"

Bokuto looks at the lady and shakes his head, "No thank you," he says polietly walking over to hold the door open for me.

"After you m'lady~" He says in a royal accent causing me to giggle.

We walk over to one of the tables outside, as I get situated in my seat Bokuto says something, "What's that on your napkin Y/n?"

I look down at my napkin to see a note, "I'm sorry you have to deal with him. Give me a call sometime, <3 Carrie"

A laugh escapes my throat as I hand the napkin over to him, I see him frown a little at the first part and then begin to chuckle when he read the end.

We laugh a little bit more and then make conversation while eating our ice cream.

"So..." He starts stopping himself almost as if he's unsure he should say whatever it is he's about to say. He opens his mouth about to continue his sentence when I hear a door open and a voice call out to me.

I look behind me to see that lady who from the ice cream shop, "Hey, I just finished my shift and I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me," She has zero hesitation when asking this. She kind of reminds me of someone and almost as if on que, that special someone comes running down the boardwalk to the girl.

"Ayano! I'm so sorry I'm late practice ran a little longer then expected.

The head of brown hair then looks over 'Ayano's' shoulder making eye contact with me.

My heart shattered all over again, I couldn't face him. Not here.

I stand up from my chair and run off to go find Keiji, "Y/N!" I hear the boy call out to me.

Bokuto begins running after me and the last thing I heard before being picked up by Bokuto and breaking down into his chest was my old best friend.


"Oikawa leave the poor girl alone. You've already done enough to hurt her."

And with that I break down into Bokuto's chest, sobbing.

'Why wasn't I good enough for him?...'

'Why did he leave me?...'

'Why did he cheat on me?...'

I hear Keiji's voice asking Bokuto what's wrong and all he says is,


And with that, another chapter is completed. I hoped you liked it!

<3 Author-chan

word count: 1200

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